Region: Spain
TicSalut consist of various administrations involved in the field of health and technology information and communications as well as the various groups of hospitals and heath centers. The foundation has three advising boards mainly the Business Adviser Board, the Experts and Citiziens Advisers Board and the Scientist Advisors Board. The activity is focused in four main goals: an observatory aimed to create a map of trends , the innovations with a telemedicine and telecare plan, , normalization with the office of interoperability and standards and international relationships division international. TicSalut mission is to achieve the full incorporation of the Catalan health system in the knowledge society. Promote the development and use of information technologies and communication technologies (ICT) and networking in the field of health, moving towards a model based on personalized and humane care for all citizens Specific objectives: To develop criteria, strategic guidance and useful information for making decisions about information technology and communication in the field of health. Provide technical support to the administration, users and providers of technology solutions. Introduce leading technology applications in the field of health to facilitate the rapid transfer of knowledge between health centers and professionals, enabling the improvement of health services aimed at citizens. Promote the movement of information before the movement of people, achieving the highest standards of efficiency in diagnosis. Become a reference center in Catalonia, networking with others from Spain, Europe and around the world