The Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and the Universidad de Alicante have joined the open innovation platform Innoget as to promote the transference of knowledge from universities to the business world.
Mataró (Barcelona), 20th July 2010.- The Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña and the Universidad de Alicante have joined Innoget (, the Open Innovation platform which already integrates more than 20 Spanish research organizations.
By using, universities accelerate the process of transferring knowledge to the industry. The platform is the perfect showroom for those the patents and technical and technological solutions developed by universities and it facilitates the signature of cooperation and transference of technology agreements
The Universidad de Girona, the Red de Referencia en Química Teorica y Computacional (XRQTC) managed by the Fundació Bosch i Gimpera from the Universitat de Barcelona, and the technological centres Ascamm, Leitat, Cetemmsa, Ikerlan, Lortek, ITC, as well as other university research organizations are already members of Innoget. The platform has made possible the signature of several cooperation agreements for new R&D projects between those organizations and private companies.
The Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and the Universidad de Alicante have joined the open innovation marketplace offered by the Spanish company Innoget. The platform promotes the interaction among private companies and research communities and allows the development and sharing of R&D ideas and projects. Among others they would be able to interface with companies such as Panrico, Roca, Palau Pharma, Damm, Orange, Affinty, Grupo Leche Pascual and other medium size Spanish and international companies and Spin-offs. is the first Spanish online platform where the scientific community and the technological based companies interact to propose solutions to technological demands and where projects and innovations can be disclosed to the market.
The platform can hold all kind of companies whatever their sector or size. At present the platform hosts leading companies from areas such as biotechnology, food industry or chemicals, among other. Registration in the platform is free