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Marketing Manager from Indonesia · Jakarta

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Other from Indonesia · Jakarta

Layanan kontraktor bangunan profesional membawa nilai tambah yang signifikan untuk setiap proyek konstruksi. Profesionalisme dalam hal perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengelolaan proyek adalah kunci kesuksesan, dan kontraktor bangunan yang berpengalaman memahami pentingnya faktor ini. Dengan kemampuan untuk merancang dan mengkoordinasikan seluruh siklus proyek, kontraktor profesional memastikan bahwa setiap tahap, mulai dari perencanaan hingga penyelesaian, berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai dengan anggaran serta tenggat waktu yang ditetapkan. Selain itu, kontraktor bangunan profesional juga membawa keahlian teknis yang luas ke meja proyek. Mereka memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang berbagai metode konstruksi, material, dan teknologi terbaru, memungkinkan mereka memberikan solusi inovatif dan efisien untuk setiap tantangan teknis yang mungkin muncul selama pelaksanaan proyek. Dengan memilih kontraktor bangunan yang profesional, klien dapat memiliki keyakinan bahwa proyek mereka akan dikelola dengan kompetensi dan akan menghasilkan hasil akhir yang berkualitas tinggi serta sesuai dengan standar industri.

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CEO & Founder at Quantum Brain Research Institute from Estonia · Tallinn, Estonia

Mr. De la Parra-Solomon is an entrepreneur based in Tallinn, Estonia, that is focused on the Information Technology, Education, Health, International Trade, and Real Estate industry sectors. He is creative, results-driven, and has 18+ years of Digital Strategy experience in IT architecture, marketing, and IT implementation.

Mr. De La Parra-Solomon is the Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder of the Quantum Brain Research Institute (www.quantumbrain.institute), a HealthTech initiative established in Tallinn, Estonia focused on Mental Health and Information Technology solutions.

Mr. De La Parra-Solomon serves as CEO and Co-founding Partner at The Solomon Brokerage Firm, an International Commodities Trading firm established in Tallinn, Estonia. He is also the CEO and Co-founding Partner of Solomon Real Estate, a renowned luxury real estate agency in Europe. He is also the Lead Digital Strategist of the VTBCommunity Foundation, a predictable finance-focused blockchain initiative in Gibraltar.

He is the former President & Co-founder of PetroM Renewable, and served as Vice President of Operations & Strategy at PetroM Corp across all of its divisions, including PetroM Logistics. He is the former COO & Co-founder at RegenerAge Clinic & RegenerAge Beauty. Mr. De La Parra is the former CEO & Founder at Astrum Salud Móvil and its Telemedicine service Astrum Móvil, former Digital Strategy Director & Co-founder at Dr. Jois, BiorganicAging, What Skin Needs/WSN International Pty. Ltd. He also served as a member of the Board of Advisors and is former Chief Marketing Officer at ReAnima Advanced Biosciences and served as Digital Media Director at Bioquark, Inc. He also served as the Latin America Region Manager and Digital Strategy adviser at CardiacSense and is former CITO & Senior Partner at Cerezo Editores.

Within the academic and educational fields, Mr. De La Parra-Solomon acted as the Executive Vice President: Executive Chairman of the WAMS Mobile Health Division, WAMS Chief Coordinating Officer, a member of the WAMS Executive Council (WAMS Executive Board), a member of the WAMS Education & Training Board (ETB), a member of the WAMS Editorial Board, an Honorary Member of the Academy Faculty FWAMS, an Honorary Fellow of the Academy & is also a Senior Partner at WAMS, The World Academy of Medical Sciences. He is also an Advisory Board member, functioned as the Chief Operating Officer, and is a Co-founding Partner at The Reprogramming Medicine Association. Mr. De La Parra-Solomon is also a member of Singularity University and of OpenExo.

In relation to the organizations that Mr. De La Parra-Solomon has collaborated with for social impact and empowerment, he is a member of the Laurentia Project and of Cerebro Mexico, he served as an Advisory Board member of the Lifeboat Foundation, as an Advisory Board member of the Future Worlds Center - Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute (Senior TV Program). He is a voting citizen and is running for Mayor & future Parliamentary Candidate at Asgardia. He served as Chief Digital Strategy Officer and was a Member of the Board of Advisors at the Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions, a member of the Web Committee at the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation/Lifespan.io, volunteered with SENS Research Foundation for the OncoSENS Program in Digital Strategy, and acted as Digital Strategy adviser at the Major Mouse Testing Program. He also functioned as the founder and former Board of Directors member of Astrum Fundación and was Digital Strategy Advisor for POKI Ciudad Orgánica. He is also a part of the General Member Board at the National Autism Association, the National Fibromyalgia Association, the International Literacy Association, and the United Spinal Association.

Mr. De La Parra-Solomon is also a member of several associations for technology including the World Blockchain Association, the Computing Technology Industry Association, the Internet Marketing Association, the Application Developers Alliance, and the Association of Strategic Marketing.

Mr. De La Parra-Solomon’s activities in arts & culture involve serving as Digital Strategy Advisor at Xicome Festival. He is a media professional at IMDB, SoundCloud, and ReverbNation and has had activities in the entertainment industry as a music producer, composer & arranger for Televisa with broadcast television, film, radio, and web, receiving international awards with aired content in more than 185 countries.

For the energy sector, he worked as the Vice President of Strategy & Operations of PetroM Energy and is also a member of the National Introducing Brokers Association and a part of the National Biodiesel Board (Alliance Program).

Alejandro De La Parra Solomon is on Facebook and on LinkedIn.
