
Other from Russian Federation

رپورتاژ آگهی یا ریپورتاژ آگهی در دنیای پرشتاب امروز، جذب مخاطب و معرفی برند به روشی خلاقانه و ماندگار، بای رپورتاژ از چالش‌های اصلی کسب‌وکارها به شمار می‌رود. بای رپورتاژ رپورتاژ آگهی به عنوان راهکاری نوین در بازاریابی، فرصتی ایده‌آل برای غلبه بر این چالش و ارتقای برند شما ارائه می‌دهد.

Knowledge Management at Transforma Alimentos from Chile · Santiago

I apply my experience, my ideals and 20-year professional career seeking a positive impact on the world, promoting understanding of individual and collective roles and responsibilities. Experience as Project Manager, Management Control Manager, Administration and Finance Manager, Director of School of Philosophy (Culture and Volunteering). Management of professional teams and volunteer groups (training of conscious leaders), others. Featured projects: 1. Foundation and administrative management of the WAGENINGEN UR Chile Foundation (2012-2016). Operations of the order of 3,000,000 USD annually. 2. Launch of the International Center of Excellence in food (International Center of Excellence Wageningen University and Research Chile). Financial and administrative coordination of operations. USD 15 million public co-financing project (2012-2016). 3. Preparation and implementation of Project Management Control policies and tools at the European Community Foundation Chile. Management control of co-financing projects of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), European Commission, Innova Corfo. 4. Coordination of the Enterprise Europe Network of the European Union in Chile (AL INVEST III). Development of technological and commercial missions for the food and environmental sector, organization of technological brokerage meetings within the framework of the European network of Innovation Liaison Centers, business roundtables and sectoral meetings in Europe, training with European experts in Chile, others. 5. Design of the Business Platform for the Food Sector in the Retail Segment of the European Food Market 6. Design and execution of the public-private missions program of the National Clean Production Council (CPL) 7. Coordinator of the European Commission program for the internationalization of Latin American SMEs AL INVEST III.

CEO from United States · usa

This is Pedro Dalke and I am from the USA. Scoliosis tethering surgery, also known as vertebral body tethering, is a minimally invasive procedure designed to correct spinal curvature in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis, a condition where the spine curves abnormally with no known cause. The procedure involves attaching a flexible, biocompatible tether to the vertebrae on the concave side of the curve. This tether, usually made of a strong, yet flexible material like PEEK, acts as a 'brake' to slow down the growth of the concave side, allowing the convex side to catch up and straighten the spine. The tether is secured to the vertebrae with small screws or anchors and is carefully placed to avoid damaging the spinal cord or nerves. This procedure is typically performed in patients who are still growing, as their bones are more pliable and adaptable.

Product Manager from United States · NY

Nova Martin is a well-experienced content writer. Gemstone jewelry has been her main area of interest in her writings. She has been researching about these gemstones by going to different places and witnessing these gemstones naturally. Ruby Zoisite Jewelry has been her favorite gem crystal, as she writes mostly about it. You can be filled with great knowledge and information by reading her blogs. Moreover, you can even email her if you want to learn about any specific gemstone.