sab auditing

Digital Marketing at Sab Auditing

United Arab Emirates · DubaiJoined July 2022

Describe it (summary)

Saeed Khalil Al-Bannai is a royal son from the Dubai Emirate of U.A.E. He is well educated and has an experience of more than a decade in the field of Accounting and Finance. He also has very healthy relations with the top government personnel all over U.A.E. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and also has a Master’s degree in Finance. He has 17 years of experience in Dubai Customs & governmental departments. He has a vast knowledge about the International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). Saeed Al Bannai is also a member of VAT implementation team in UAE. Saeed Al Bannai’s passion for financial freedom for companies and individuals brought about the birth of SAB Auditing of Accounts, where we render all sort of Auditing and Accounting services and his availability to clients makes him very exceptional.

Book Keeping
Regular Accounting
Accoung Payable Out Sourcing
VAT Accounting
Consultancy Services
Accounting and Financial
Accounting Supervision
Updating of Backlog Accounts
Account Reconciliation Services
Payroll Services In Dubai
Tax Audit in UAE
Audit Services in Dubai
Audit Reports
Internal Audit Services in Dubai
ICV Audit
RERA Audit
Fraud Investigation Audit Services
Risk Management
Company Liquidation
Tax Audit in UAE
Stock Audit Services in Dubai
Financial Audit for Trakhees

Research areas of interest (3)

  • Computerised billing and accounting services
  • Business and office
  • audit

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