Carlos Barrera


Mexico · Monterrey NL MexicoJoined January 2016


Im Individual Inventor, and this is my Work: Featured Project Development - State of the Art Novel InFlowTech: ·1-Gearturbine, Reaction Turbine, RotaryTurbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor Impulse Turbine, One CompressionStep:

|/ *1; Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, Rotary Turbo, Have the similar basic system of the Aeolipilie Heron Steam Turbine device from Alexandria 10-70 AD · With Retrodynamic = DextroRPM VS LevoInFlow + Ying Yang Way Power Type - Non Waste Looses · 8X/Y Thermodynamic CYCLE Way Steps. 4 Turbos, Higher efficient percent. No blade erosion by sand & very low heat target signature Pat:197187IMPI MX Dic1991 Atypical Motor Engine Type.

|/ *2; Imploturbocompressor; Impulse Turbine, Imploducted, One Moving Part System Excellence Design - The InFlow Interaction comes from Macro-Flow and goes to Micro-Flow by Imploducted Implossion - Only One Compression Step; Inflow, Compression and outflow at one simple circular dynamic motion / New Concept. To see a Imploturbocompressor animation, is possible on a simple way, just to check an Hurricane Satellite view, and is the same implo inflow way nature.

Research areas of interest (14)

  • Design and Modelling / Prototypes
  • Aeronautical technology / Avionics
  • Space Exploration and Technology
  • Propulsion
  • Industrial Technologies
  • and 9 more

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·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD, ·With Retrodynamic = DextroGiro/RPM VS LevoGiro/InFlow, + ·Ying Yang Circular Power Type, ·Non Waste Parasitic Power Looses Type, ·8-X,Y Thermodynamic Cycle Way Steps. ·2-Imploturb[…]

State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech: ·1-Gearturbine Reaction Turbine Rotary Turbo. ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD, ·With Retrodynamic = DextroGiro/RPM VS LevoGiro/InFlow, + ·Ying Yang Circular Power Type, ·Non Waste P[…]

Featured Project Development - State of the Art Novel InFlowTech: 1-Gearturbine RotaryTurbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor One CompressionStep: |/ *1; Gearturbine Project, Rotary Turbo, Have the similar basic system of the Aeolipilie Heron Steam Turbine device from Alexandria 10-70 AD · With Retro[…]

*State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech Featured Project Development: 1-Gearturbine: Rotary Turbo - Similar to the Aeolipile Heron Steam Device from Alexandria 10-70AD - Retrodynamic = DextroGiro/RPM VS LevoGiro/InFlow + YING YANG Way Power Type - Non Waste Looses System - 8-X/Y Thermodynamic Cycle Way […]

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