adnan abdullah saeed al absari

innovation partner

YemenJoined May 2020

Describe it (summary)

I'm health provider with highly interesting in innovation at medical field i have amazing abilities to making the impossible be possible i have 15 years of experience in most medical fields i can publishing it through innoget

Research areas of interest (5)

  • Infectious Diseases
  • Medical Health related
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Other ( Clinical Medicine related )
  • Covid-19

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covid-19 pathogenesis, predictable treatment

adnan abdullah saeed al absari
hello misters, professors
covid-19 not highly different from SARS for the targeted receptor. if the covid-19 targeted toward ACE2 as direct why we not observing any oral manifestation for like reaction during incubation periods of the virus? although the oral mucosa enriched by ACE2 !
the targeted receptor represented by the phospholipids / protien links ,,of surfictant ( DPPC) SP-A, SP-B, SP-C, SP-D (collectins) " type II alveolar cell continue in production of collectins till age15 YEARS those explain why the mortality rate from covid-19 infection untill this age very rare,, other clinical evidence the secondary affected organs by covid-19 mimic the presence of SP-A ,SP-D in human tissues like kidney ,CNS ,GIT, genitalia,eyes, ,synovial fluids ,, the the created energy from this interaction( docking energy) the threshold for docking energy release in the SARS cov-1, MERS is highe than that threshold in covid-19 this explains why those infections was not highly contagious in comparison to the covid-19 pandemic .since the infection of SARS cov-1& MERS occurred due to direct contact with natural reservoir 1/ (fresh infection) or due to human to human by 2/ large quantities of mature virus (longtime contacts).. the two previous reasons are essential to exceed the threshold limits of docking energy release ,,in the comparison to that's of covid-19 the docking energy release threshold very low so small numbers of virons or old mature virus for shorttime contacts will be enought to exceeding DERT ..which starting ionization to Zn ions at the hACE2 receptor firstly of the alveolar cells . as a result for this ionization, RBD created,the virus evolve hydropholic tunnel walls at RBD. Spikes protien starting it's binding & fusion role ,the process continueing as we knowing those formulas help us how we can select the effective treatment, vaccination against virus.
ACE2 (C41H62N12O11)
Camostat (C20H22N4O5)
Pulmonary surfictant (C40H80NO8P)

cov protease(C32H43N5O9)
chloroquine lead to formation "ZnCl2" which play catalyst inhibition role of the recptor & rifampicin & remdesivir can play enzyme analogue role , finally ( i believe in that endotrecheal or systemic injectable of synthetic surfactant with rifampicin or amikacin decrease the cytokine storm & decreasing DNA synthesis of inflammatory mediators) will be more effective in treatment, developing vaccination for the covid-19 finally please excuse any gramaticall errors unintentional spelling
dr/adnan abdullah saeed al absari
phone no/+967771413037

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