Amit Jain

Director , PopPack LLC

India · NEW DELHIJoined April 2020

Describe it (summary)

I have been a social entrepreneur & a practitioner of social & rural marketing in Environment , Healthcare, Water & Sanitation, Education, Nutrition & Livelihood domains for past 20 years. Have led large teams, translating organizational vision into scalable enterprise/project models in Public-Private arena , Not-For Profit as well as Corporate (including CSR) & varied Social entrepreneurial start-ups -several of these mainstreamed by civil society & government organizations (worked with partners like USAID, DFID-UK, European Commission, GIZ , SIDA, BMGF ,GPOBA /World Bank, OPIC, UNFPA, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Global Fund, MSDF, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), TATA Trusts, PHFI, ASHOKA , AAPI-USA , Calvert Fdn , Capgemini , P&G USA, Max Healthcare, Abbott Healthcare , Vedanta Group UK , Danone , Govt of India /State Govts .
My work has received international recognition at/by such like Harvard Business School, MIT Tech Review, NUS Singapore, Michigan University, Santa Clara, NPR USA, OPIC USA, ASHOKA, CNBC TV18, NDTV, Outlook Business . My past-work & passion has enabled me to be agile, multi-tasker in use of design-technology-innovation in driving scalable & fast-paced solutions for modern era enterprises which I endeavour to collaboratively helping our fellow global citizens to lead healthier, more meaningful lives hence the desire & resolve to DO MORE . Currently I am Director with PopPack LLC, the value & mission-driven futuristic design-tech enterprise with disruptive-innovations in Air Powered packaging.

Research areas of interest (3)

  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Medical Health related
  • Consumer related

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