Vladimir Semenov


Spain · MalagaJoined January 2020

Describe it (summary)

I stadied at the chemical faculty of Perm University. I have a Ph D in organoelement chemistry. I worked in the radiochemistry laboratory of Perm University and studied the recoil atoms of phosphorous-32. I worked at a powder metallurgy Center and developed new materials. I am the sole owner of intellectual property in a number of areas of engineering and technology.

Work Experience (1)

Научный сотрудник

Лаборатория радиохимии Пермского университета

January 1977 - June 1984


Academic Studies (1)

Среднее образование

Школа № 25, город Златоуст, Челябинская область, Россия

January 1980 - January 1991

Химия, физика, математика

Образование в СССР было на высоком мировом уровне

Research areas of interest (4)

  • Industrial Technologies
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Medical Health related
  • Industrial Products

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