Gunter Fischer

CEO at Brainalyzed Finance GmbH

Germany · Bad BramstedtJoined January 2019

Describe it (summary)

At Brainalyzed we have the vision to open up the possibilities of AI to every organization, by significantly lowering the barriers of entry for this fascinating technology. Selection of training data from heterogenous sources, feature engineering, hyperparameter-tuning, model deployment and maintenance have long been a major inhibitor for AI adoption.

With Brainalyzed INSIGHT we introduce the first distributed learning platform for Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) that offers an all-in-one solution for AI development. It is driven by the combined mighty forces of multi-objective optimization and state-of-art deep learning technology to strike an unparalleled balance of AI fidelity and AI creation simplicity.

Work Experience (1)

CEO and Co-founder

Brainalyzed Finance GmbH

June 2017 - Present

Bad Bramstedt

Academic Studies (1)


Cranfield University

January 2010 - January 2014

Multi-objective optimization

Research areas of interest (5)

  • Energy Technology
  • Renewable Sources of Energy
  • Computer related
  • Computer Software Market
  • Artificial intelligence related software

Gunter Fischer didn't publish any Technology Call yet

Brainalyzed fills the gap for Enterprise AI in the financial and industry sector. It also allows managers without specific prior knowledge of machine learning to easily collate data from available sources and to create and roll out high-performing AIs for their key use cases. Thanks to the greatly s[…]

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