Juli Blasco


Spain · BarcelonaJoined March 2018

Describe it (summary)

PhD in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering
Master of Engineering on Micro & Nanoelectronics
Licenciate degree on Physics and Electrical and Electronics Engineering


2013-2017 PhD in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering
UAB Escola d’Enginyeria (Cerdanyola del Vallès – Barcelona)

2013-2013 Master of Engineering in Micro & Nanoelectronics
UAB Escola d’Enginyeria (Cerdanyola del Vallès – Barcelona)

2008-2012 Licenciate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Facultad de Física UB (Diagonal – Barcelona)

2002-2007 Licenciate degree in Physics
Facultad de Física UB (Diagonal – Barcelona)

2001-2002 (1 year) Licenciate degree in Technical Engineering in Management Computing
Facultad de Informática UPC – Campus Nord (Diagonal – Barcelona)

Professional Experience

2013-2017 UAB Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica – Cerdanyola del Vallès
Position: Research personnel in training
Task: Research (Resistive Switching) y teaching (bachelor degrees in Computing, Electronics Engineering, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)
2008-2010 UB Facultad de Física - Barcelona
Position: Staff at Taller d’Enginyeria Electrònica i Tecnologies de la Informació (TEeTI)
Task: Preparing, starting up & driving lab exercises to institute & first year bachelor degree students.
April 2009 Enginycat 2009. Fira de Barcelona
Position: Staff.
Task: Recommending & giving information to first year bachelor degree students.


1 Blasco J, Ghenzi N, Suñé J, Levy P, Miranda E. “Modeling of the Hysteretic I –V Characteristics of TiO2-based resistive switches using the generalized diode equation”. Electron Device Letters, IEEE Vol. 35, No. 3, 390-2, 2014.

2 Blasco J, Castán H, García H, Dueñas S, Suñé J, Kemell M, Kukli K, Ritala M, Leskelä M, Miranda E. “Single-parameter model for the post-breakdown conduction characteristics of HoTiOx-based MIM capacitors”. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 54, No. 9-10, 1707-11, 2014.

3 Blasco J, Jančovič P, Fröhlich K, Suñé J, Miranda E. “Modeling of the switching I-V characteristics in ultrathin (5 nm) atomic layer deposited HfO2 films using the logistic hysteron”. Journal of vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol. 33, No. 1, 01A102. 2015.

4 Blasco J, Ghenzi N, Suñé J, Levy P, Miranda E. “Equivalent circuit modeling of the bistable conduction characteristics in electroformed thin dielectric films”. Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 55, No. 1, 1-14. INTRODUCTORY INVITED PAPER. 2015.

IN DEVELOPMENT: Blasco J, Castán H, García H, Dueñas S, Gonzalez M B, Campabadal F, Suñé J, Miranda E, “Preisach-like modeling of multilevel conduction in bipolar resistive switching devices”, 2017.


Intermediate-high level knowledge of:
• Matlab
• Origin
• Mentor Graphics: DxDesigner, Expedition PCB, Analog Hyperlynx.
• Programming Languages: Fortran, C, Quartus II ALTERA.
• Text processor: Microsoft Word
• Hojas de Cálculo: Excel
• Presentation: Power Point
• Gnuplot
• Arduino


Spanish: Native
Catalan: Native
English: High Level

Work Experience (2)

Personal Investigador en Formació

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

February 2013 - February 2017

Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)


Universitat de Barcelona

September 2008 - July 2010


Academic Studies (4)

Doctorate in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

January 2013 - January 2017

Conductual Modeling of I-V Characteristics of Resistive Switching Devices

Master in Micro and Nanoelectronics Engineering

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

January 2013 - January 2013

Conductual Modeling of I-V Characteristics of Resistive Switching Devices

Licentiate in Electronics Engineering

Universitat de Barcelona

January 2008 - January 2012

Electronics Engineering


Universitat de Barcelona

January 2002 - January 2007


Awards and achievements (1)

Best Paper Award 2014

MIEL 2014

May 2014

Research areas of interest (8)

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Electronics, Microelectronics
  • Electronic circuits, components and equipment
  • Electronic engineering
  • Physics
  • and 3 more

Juli Blasco didn't publish any Technology Call yet

Juli Blasco didn't publish any Technology Offer yet

Modeling of the Hysteretic I –V Characteristics of TiO2-based resistive switches using the generalized diode equation

Blasco J, Ghenzi N, Suñé J, Levy P, Miranda E
An equivalent circuit representation for the
conduction characteristics of TiO2-based resistive switches based
on the generalized diode equation is reported. The proposed
model consists of two antiparallel diodes with series and parallel
resistances representing the filamentary current pathway spanning
the oxide layer and the possible parasitic conduction effects.
The model accounts for the pulse-induced hysteretic behavior
exhibited by the I–V characteristic after electroforming. Three
different approaches, each one of them with increased complexity,
are assessed: 1) constant; 2) nanowire-like; and 3) sigmoidal diode
amplitude. In all cases, the logarithmic conductance of the diodes
is modeled using a logistic-type threshold function.

Single-parameter model for the post-breakdown conduction characteristics of HoTiOx-based MIM capacitors

Blasco J, Castán H, García H, Dueñas S, Suñé J, Kemell M, Kukli K, Ritala M, Leskelä M, Miranda E
The post-breakdown conduction characteristics of holmium titanium oxide (HoTiOx)-based metal–
insulator–metal capacitors fabricated by the atomic layer deposition technique on Si substrates were
investigated. Diode-like and power-law models were fitted to the experimental current–voltage (I–V)
curves and the results assessed with the aim of detecting any possible correlation among the model
parameters. It was found that the number of parameters involved can be reduced in both cases and that
for the power-law model a single parameter is solely required to approximate the I–V curves in a wide
current range (from 1011 to 104 A). This property, which has also been observed in a variety of material
systems, was used to simulate the bipolar switching behavior exhibited by the I–V characteristics. The
connection with the physics of electron transport through atom-sized constrictions is discussed.

Modeling of the switching I-V characteristics in ultrathin (5 nm) atomic layer deposited HfO2 films using the logistic hysteron

Blasco J, Jančovič P, Fröhlich K, Suñé J, Miranda E
The current–voltage (I-V) characteristics of Pt/HfO2(5 nm)/TiN resistive switching structures are
modeled using an equivalent electric circuit which consists of two antiparallel diodes in
combination with a single series resistance, the only difference between the diodes being the
threshold functions used to simulate the set and reset events. The switching process is achieved by
means of a mathematical entity called the logistic hysteron, which governs the model parameters.
The authors show that the model is able to capture the shape of the I-V curves both for positive and
negative biases obtained under different current compliance limits for the set process ranging from
0.5 to 10 mA. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, experimental and
model results for the I-V curves are plotted using alternative representations: linear–linear,
log–linear, and log–log axis. The role played by the series resistance is discussed in terms of the
normalized differential conductance d ln(I)/d ln(V).

Equivalent circuit modeling of the bistable conduction characteristics in electroformed thin dielectric films

Blasco J, Ghenzi N, Suñé J, Levy P, Miranda E
In the last few years a number of models based on simple circuital representations have been proposed to
account for the resistive switching (RS) current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of metal–insulator–metal
(MIM) structures. These devices typically exhibit two well-defined conduction levels after electroforming
often referred to as the low and high resistance states that can be cyclically reached by the application of
bipolar periodic voltage or current. The resulting hysteretic behavior arises from a reversible change of
the electron transmission properties of the insulating film driven by an external stimulus. In this paper,
after an overview of a variety of RS model proposals relying on circuital descriptions and basic analytic
expressions, a model based on the solution of the generalized diode equation is discussed. The model is
simple and flexible and consists of two opposite-biased diodes with series and shunt resistances that represent
the filamentary current pathway spanning the oxide layer as well as the possible parasitic effects.
The model parameters are governed by a mathematical entity called the logistic hysteron that can be
linked to the internal state equation of the so-called memristive systems. For illustrative purposes, the
switching I–V characteristics of TiO2-based MIM structures electroformed with different current compliances
are examined in detail using this approach. Experimental results on bipolar RS by other authors are
also assessed within the same framework.

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