Danka Milojkovic

CEO at Cluster House

Serbia and Montenegro · Nis CityJoined November 2017

Describe it (summary)

Ph.D. in Economic Sciences in the field of project management of the cluster-based economic development applying the mathematical methods with the aim of taking more efficient business decisions. Over 15 year experience with SME development programs in the Balkans supported by international organizations DANIDA, LuxDev, EAR, BAS/TAM, EBRD, ADB, GIZ, UN/FAO, UNIDO.
Author of the Cluster House Model for cluster-based SME development, internationalization and global market positioning. Initiator of the Balkan & Black Sea Clusters Network, the biggest clusters collaboration platform in the region, and editor of the INFOCLUSTER journal. Author and director of the Balkan and Black Sea Conference “Days of Clusters“, the leading cluster event in the SE Europe.
The first President of the National Council of Clusters of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (2011-2015). The first Director from the Balkans of the Global TCI Network Board of Directors responsible for the SE Europe.
Mentor, coach and trainer in the field of SME development, business incubators and clusters.
Received prestigious national awards: “Success flower 2012” for the most successful women entrepreneurs in Serbia for affirmation of women’s entrepreneurship and “Captain Misa Anastasijevic” for cluster-based networking and entrepreneurship development in the Balkans (2016).

Academic Studies (1)


University of Nis Faculty of Economics

January 2013 - January 2015


Doctor of economics: application of multi-criteria decision making & MS Project in cluster development

Awards and achievements (4)

Prestige national award “Captain Misa Anastasijevic“

Mediainvent - University of Novi Sad-Serbian Chamber of Economy

April 2016

Prestige national award “Captain Misa Anastasijevic“ for special contribution to entrepreneurship and regional integration by MEDIAINVENT supported by Novi Sad University and Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Matica Srpska, Novi Sad Serbia (7 April 2016)

National award “Success flower 2012 for the most successful women entrepreneurs in Serbia”

Serbian BWA

November 2012

National award “Success flower 2012 for the most successful women entrepreneurs in Serbia” for special contribution to women entrepreneurship affirmation in South Eastern Serbia by Serbian Business Women Association, Belgrade, Serbia (November 2012)

Prestige regional award "Captain Misa Anastasijevic"

Mediainvent, Novi Sad University, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

December 2015

Prestige regional award “Captain Misa Anastasijevic“ for special contribution to cluster initiation and networking in Serbia and in the Balkans” by MEDIAINVENT supported by Novi Sad University and Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nis, Serbia (December 2015)

Letter of Honor to Youth with Disabilities

Youth with Disabilities Forum, Belgrade

September 2015

Letter of Honor to Youth with Disabilities (Tailor made workshop on the topic „Team Work and Administrative Business”. Case study, exercise and training hand-out preparation. Author and Trainer),Youth with Disabilities Forum, Belgrade, Serbia (September 2015)

Research areas of interest (8)

  • Agriculture and Marine Resources
  • Agriculture
  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Socio-economic development models, economic aspects
  • Communications
  • and 3 more

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Dr. Danka Milojkovic
Cluster organizations are the form of joining of companies that initiates innovations, productivity and competitiveness through cooperation between the business communities, educational – research and development institutions and public sector.
Cluster approach has a key role for small and medium enterprises (further referred to as SMEs) development since business cooperation in the form of clusters is the economic model which ensures decrease of costs, better access to specialized services, new technologies and new markets.
Across the Balkans there is a recognition that economic development is to take place through increasing cross-company collaboration, innovation and internationalization. The Cluster House www.clusterhouse.rs is a pioneer of the development of comprehensive cluster-based cross-border and transnational cooperation model in the countries with transitional economies. This comprehensive model consists of the six cluster development modules in the fields of organization, advocacy, servicess and communication. The model was developed within the Danish LEDIB Programme mission (2007-2012), improved during the EU IPA CBC BG-RS „Balkan Cluster“ project implementation (2015-2016). The model is implementing in the on going bilateral business development projects with the Czech Republic and Egypt (2016).
The Balkan and Black Sea Cluster Network, initiated and coordinated by the Cluster House, is a powerful cluster-based economic development tool for supporting and accelerating cluster development in the region with influence on economic development on the global level. The network fosters cluster-based cross-border and transnational collaboration through networking, B2B and matchmaking events, capacity building and advisory services, transfer of knowledge and promotion. It helps spur innovation by facilitating engagement between the cluster actors: public sector, academia and companies supported by media and financial organizations. It brings global market closer.
Keywords: cluster, network, cross-border, model, competitiveness

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