Freelancer at Amelia TULACZ

France · MarseilleJoined December 2016

Describe it (summary)

The "Valorisation Sud" Consortium (CVT) is an inter-institutional organisation certified within the framework of investments for the future. With a ten-year endowment of €9 million, the CVT Valorisation Sud is the French national reference organization for transfers of technology and know-how adapted to tropical and equatorial regions and developing countries.

-Promoting and transferring technologies developed by French research institutes to the global market in key sectors: Environmental Management, Water and Soil Treatment, Measuring, Control and laboratory technology, Software and ITC
- Implementing strategies to market innovative scientific results and negotiating industrial partnerships (collaboration and licencing agreements).

Work Experience (1)

Business Developer


June 2017 - Present


Academic Studies (1)


Sciences Po Strasbourg

January 2004 - January 2007

European Studies

Sciences Po Strasbourg, with its European and international perspective, is one of the highly selective French grandes écoles, or elite schools of higher education.

Research areas of interest (7)

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Multimedia
  • Energy Technology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Measurements and Standards
  • and 2 more

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