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Join Innoget to connect with José Manuel Pérez Rodríguez and thousands
of innovation-driven professionals and organizations
R&D Staff / Researcher at GDE
We are a small company focused on R & D + i. First in the approval of projects for public funding through state aid instruments and state taxation instruments. Second to offer outsourced services R & D + i in client companies.
The developed system consists of foamed, flame retardant and biodegradable spheres that would help to put out the fires efficiently and at a distance, so that firefighters and other personnel who act to extinguish the forest fire would not live so much risk. The capsules can extinguish the fire or p[…]
The developed system consists of foamed, flame retardant and biodegradable spheres that would help to put out the fires efficiently and at a distance, so that firefighters and other personnel who act to extinguish the forest fire would not live so much risk. The capsules can extinguish the fire or p[…]