Vaishali Agte

India · PuneJoined April 2013

Describe it (summary)

Name: Dr. Vaishali Vilas Agte, Scientist F (Retired),
Emeritus Scientist (ICMR) retired, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune – 411004, India.
Present position: CEO, Innova Foods and consultant to Pravin Masalewale
Research area: Biochemistry related to food and nutrition, Functional food development
Academic career:

Examination Year University Subjects Class

B.Sc. 1970 Bombay Chemistry Physics, Maths I
M. Sc. 1972 Indian Institute of Technology Powai, Mumbai Chemistry I ( 4th in merit list)
Ph.D. 1978 Poona Biochemistry & Nutrition

Professional career: Total research experience: 45 years.
Doctorate research - Sparing effect of in certain non-essential amino acids over the requirements of essential amino acids in marginally subsisting populations with special reference to preschool children and awarded Ph.D. Degree in 1978.
Post doctorate research -
From March 1976 to March 1977 : as biochemist in a KVIC scheme `Processing of Mahua Cake for application as feed and fertilizer' at ARI
From February 1978 to December 1979 as Senior Research Fellow under the Scheme 'Stochastic Model building for regulating N-balance in rats' at ARI
From January 1980 to July 1980 as Post-graduate fellows given by DANIDA, Danish Government
From February 1981 to September 1981 : as Pool officer by CSIR at ARI
From October 1981 to September 1982 : as` Physiologist’ on the Scheme `Control and regulation of energy and protein balance in man' sponsored by ICMR at ARI
From September 1982-90: as Scientist C and 1990 onwards as Scientist E1 and July 2000 onwards as Scientist F in the field of Biochemistry related Food & Nutrition at ARI.

Projects completed:
a) Institutional
Studies in bioavailability of micronutrients from cereal based diets (March 1994-June 1996)
Studies in uptake and utilisation of iron and zinc at cellular level under normal and
oxidative stress conditions (July 2001 up to March 04)
Exploratory studies on role of micronutrients in uncomplicated malaria (June 03-June 04)
Towards understanding the antioxidant role of zinc in enzymatic and non enzymatic
metabolic reactions (from July 04 for 3 years).
Studies in wild edible fruits for their antioxidant and prebiotic potential (April 04-May 07)
Effect of micronutrient status and sudarshan kriya yoga on mental stress and
learning skills of college students (May 06-May 07)
b) Sponsored
Potential of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables in prevention of oxidation
stress related disorders prevalent in Indians with special reference to cataract.
(project supervised for ICMR –SRF, May 2000 to April 04)
Potential of antioxidants and micronutrients from foods and herbal materials for
treatment of type 2 diabetes. ( project supervised for ICMR- SRF, Feb 02- Oct 03)
Effects of nonvolatile components of Indian country liquors on hepatocytes with special
reference to zinc metabolism’ (for ICMR-SRF supervision April 2006-August 2007)
Study on factors affecting absorption of beta- carotene using human
ileostomy model ( project funded by R.D.Birla Smarak Kosh , Oct 01-April 03)
Modern statistical aids for better understanding of nutritional problems.
(DST sponsored project, June 1996- Dec 2000)
‘Molecular characterisation of inter and intra specific variability of genus carissa L.
with particular reference to nutritional qualities’( DBT project Oct 02-Sept06 )
Studies in effect of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and antioxidant micronutrients as
complimentary therapy in hypertension ( sponsored by HCJMRI Sept 05-Sept 06)
‘Development of a nutraceutical formulation for slowing down the lens degeneration’
(funded by DST supervised by VVA for WOS-A)
Development of functional foods for Pravin Foods ( 3 projects, 25th March 08-24th March09)
Biofortification of wheat for micronutrients through conventional and molecular
breeding approaches ( funded by DBT since May 2006 for 5 years with VVA as Co-PI)
Development of antioxidant-rich prebiotic supplement from indigenous plant materials
(funded by DBT Dec 07-Nov 2010)
Studies in health & nutritional quality of sorghum varieties & some hybrids and development of sorghum based functional foods (May 2008-Feb 2012)
A Coordinated project for developing community based approach for prevention of anaemia among young rural women in India (DST funded for 2 yrs)
Ongoing projects
Bioavailability of some antioxidants from natural fortificants and their status in young and old healthy adults (ICMR)
Resistant starch enriched prebiotic supplement for inflammatory bowel disorders (DBT)

No. of M.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D students: awarded (32)
No. of publications:125
National journals: 35 International journals: 73 Chapters in the proceedings: 17
Popular articles: 59
Book: Fruits and Vegetables :Antioxidant and Micronutrient Quality Vaishali Agte & Kirtan Tarwadi Jan 2012 Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Research areas of interest (5)

  • Food Additives/Ingredients/Functional Food
  • Food Processing
  • Food Technology
  • Fats and Oils
  • Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations, Coffee and Tea

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