Sergey Klykov

Innovation Consultant at Alpha-Integrum, Ltd.

Russian Federation · Moscow regionJoined April 2012

Describe it (summary)
We are a team of programmers/mathematicians , which deals with calculations of microbial processes in order to improve their effectiveness.

The program is designed for engineers and scientists in the microbiological industry and R&D areas for planning, analysis and control of the fermentations, as well as for undergraduate and graduate students who are trained in the microbiological field.

An Integrated Mathematical Model of Development (IMMD) is the basis of these calculations. The IMMD have 3 basic paradigms.

Russian Federation Patent # 2228352:

For biomass:

dnXdiv/d((Xst))n= {(K/A2) ∗ [(−1)(n−1)]*n!} / [(Xst)(n+1)]− C, (1);

For product(substrates):

dP(or − S)/dτ = kdiv(for P and-S)Xdiv + kst(for P and -S)Xst, (2).

Please, see

For each separate phase we must have separate equations.
The physiological processes occurring in proliferating and stable (non-proliferating) cells differ greatly and are diametrically opposed. We assume that metabolites are synthesized only by proliferating cells. Nonproliferating cells, as a rule, destroy these products. Therefore, signs of the constants for metabolite synthesis and degradation are opposite. The same should be stated for substrates utilized for cell construction.

Our equations describe all the known diversity of the processes with S-like growth curves and changes in the concentrations of substances in closed systems, which is an entirely new and previously unknown fact. It is known that a physical law means a generalization of a numerical relationship between the objects of the real physical world that is running under specified conditions for the class of the objects and does not follow from any of the previously discovered laws. There is no reason not to admit the two described equations for the GIP as laws for GIP.

The data obtained were used for the selection of techniques to increase the protein expression by genetically modified microorganisms.

Also, this software version allows you to calculate the energy indicators of the population:

a - is a trophic factor;
m - is specific an energy consumption for maintenance of life;
f - is a consumption of an energy substrate for building of cells bodies.
This allows us to calculate the efficiency of the energy substrates consumption and, ultimately, the entire fermentation process.

Academic Studies (2)

Master's degree

Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

January 1980 - January 1986

Chemistry, Biotechnology and other



January 1986 - January 1996



SRCAMB conducts research in the field of epidemiology, bacteriology and biotechnology to assure an appropriate level of sanitary and epidemiology welfare for the population of the Russian Federation.

Center has a required infrastructure and qualified staff to carry out research involving various pathogenic microorganisms, including those of especially dangerous infections of the bacterial origin in humans and animals.

In the Center there is an animal facility equipped in compliance with modern requirements for handling small laboratory animals, including SPF animals (rabbits, hamsters, mice and rats). There is an installation for aerogenic challenge of animals.

Research areas of interest (13)

  • Cellular and Molecular Biology Technology
  • Microbiology Technology
  • Bioinformatics Technology
  • Software services
  • Microbiology Market
  • and 8 more

Sergey Klykov didn't publish any Technology Call yet

Fermenter Tool software will help you solve the following tasks: a. modeling of your fermentation process data; b. predicting of the optimal processes; c. detecting of the limiting substrates according to 'a' and then to do all the calculations to achieve forecasts 'b'.[…]

A cell population structuring model to estimate recombinant strain growth in a closed system for subsequent search of the mode to increase protein accumulation during protealysin producer cultivation

S P Klykov, V V Kurakov, V B Vilkov, I V Demidyuk, T Yu Gromova and D A Skladnev.
In this paper we have proposed a new structured population growth model, further developing a model previously proposed by the authors. Based on this model, optimal growth characteristics of the recombinant strain Escherichia coli BL-21 (DE3) [pProPlnHis6] were determined, which allowed us to increase the output of metalloproteinase by 300%. We have experimentally demonstrated the applicability of the new model to cell cultures with implanted plasmids and the potential practical use for an output increase of a wide variety of biosynthesis processes.

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