Showing 1261 to 1275 of 2098 results
The method of mass culture of the rotifers Lecane

The method of mass culture of the rotifers Lecane

Patents for licensing Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU
Increased tolerance polarization converters

Increased tolerance polarization converters

Patents for licensing PhotonDelta
Weighted suit to enhance muscle development

Weighted suit to enhance muscle development

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Pc-protec additive

Pc-protec additive

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
HyLED optospintronics devices

HyLED optospintronics devices

Patents for licensing Universitat de València
Diagnosis and Prognosis of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Using Host RNA Sequencing

Diagnosis and Prognosis of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Using Host RNA Sequencing

Patents for licensing Yeda
Biopolymer-containing calcium phosphate foam for bone regeneration

Biopolymer-containing calcium phosphate foam for bone regeneration

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
New effective and eco-friendly product to destroy Helicobacter pylori on the basis of plant components to which the bacteria can n[…]

New effective and eco-friendly product to destroy Helicobacter pylori on the basis of plant components to which the bacteria can n[…]

Patents for licensing MAMEL&Ecobiotechnoservice
System for improving accessibility in learning platforms by using push buttons, for people with motor disabilities.

System for improving accessibility in learning platforms by using push buttons, for people with motor disabilities.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Compound for the treatment of overweight and obesity

Compound for the treatment of overweight and obesity

Patents for licensing Universidad de Granada
Sintering technique for both high density and high precision of steel-based sinters

Sintering technique for both high density and high precision of steel-based sinters

Patents for licensing Cracow University of Technology
Chemical Processes Intensification Laboratory

Chemical Processes Intensification Laboratory

Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology
Adipic acid(s) prepared by catalytic carboxylation of 1,3-butadiene

Adipic acid(s) prepared by catalytic carboxylation of 1,3-butadiene

Patents for licensing Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ)
Latest Design Thinking Playbook

Latest Design Thinking Playbook

Innovative Products and Technologies ALTEN Calsoft Labs
Smart sensors for energy efficient cities

Smart sensors for energy efficient cities

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI