Showing 2326 to 2335 of 2335 results

Electrically small antenna arrays for wireless communications
Knowhow and Research output Acorn Microwave Solutions

A new non-invasive method for the diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer
Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante

Innovative heat-reflective coating for indoor application
Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.

Vertical axis wind turbine for slow and changing wind speed
Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.

Synchronized exchange energy method and device between users of the electric grid for decentralized management
Patents for licensing University of Huelva
New low cost colorimetric sensors, both solid and in aqueous solution, for the naked eye detection in situ and quantification of n[…]
Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Membrane technology and Transformation of disposed reverse osmosis membranes into recycled membranes
Innovative Products and Technologies IMDEA Water Institute

RICENUT-INNO technology - A novel complex rice nutrition and conditioning process
Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.

Photopolymerization initiated by UV light - solutions for polymer coatings industry
Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology