Showing 18481 to 18495 of 18883 results

Design of training programs and learning resources that promote autonomy and prevent dependence on old people
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

High throughput protein isolation & purification system
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo

Water and Energy saving faucets
Patents for licensing Claude Waudoit

Laser technique for the evaluation of erosion resistance of insulating materials
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo

The new oxide catalysts for the removal of nitrogen oxides originating from stationary emission sources.
Innovative Products and Technologies Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU

Model combination method (ensembles). Construction of "Rotation Forest" classifform-control form-control iers and regressors
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Deep reinforcement learning for heat exchanger shape optimization
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo

Heat exchanger with energy storage alteration detectors.
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Anchor system for FRP plates
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo

Hydrogen Storage Liquid has 3X the Energy Density of Lithium Ion Batteries
Patents for licensing Air Products

Smart sensors for energy efficient cities
Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

Data Intensive Computing Lab at Cracow University of Technology
Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology

White turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb) is a multi face herbal
Innovative Products and Technologies Agro Biotech International Exports Pvt. Lt.

A testing platform for code written with GenAI (copilot, code wisperer, Llama
Innovative Products and Technologies Provengo