Showing 1336 to 1350 of 2335 results

Immunoassay for rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases caused by Pseudomonas
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Predictive Kit to identify patients non responding to platinum therapy
Patents for licensing National Cancer Institute CRO Aviano

Technology and proccesses for chemical synthesis
Research Services and Capabilities FUNDITEC

Laboratory for Trace Organic Analyses - Cracow Univerisity of Technology
Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology

Supervision System through artificial vision to monitor children when traveling in Child Retention Systems
Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

Biometric identification system based on eye blinking
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE

Portable device to detect, diagnose and monitoring of tyrosinemia
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

Patents for licensing Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

New test for components subjected to high pressure (up to 6000 bar)
Research Services and Capabilities UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Sewage Sludge Extraction (SSE) system for Sludge Dewatering and Thickening
Innovative Products and Technologies Centre For Future (CFF)

Dual/Triple Sump pump controller with optional bluetooth or Wifi connectivity
Innovative Products and Technologies Chicagoland Automation

Industrial production of humic and fulvic acid from biomethan digestate
Innovative Products and Technologies Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Division For Manufacturing System Design - Cracow University of Technology
Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology

Efficient sensing techniques for smart city applications
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI