Showing 751 to 765 of 2335 results

Spectral shaper illumination device
Patents for licensing ICMAB-CSIC

Anti-GPCR Antibody Production
Research Services and Capabilities Leading Biology

Dilatation System that enables dilation of narrow channels
Innovative Products and Technologies University Hospital Hradec Králové

A method for pharmaceutical-origin micropollutants removal from wastewater
Innovative Products and Technologies Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Industrial production of humic and fulvic acid from biomethan digestate
Innovative Products and Technologies Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Syrupy products powder preparation method
Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Cybersecurity Early Warning System
Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR

FIBRACEP: New dietary fibre-based ingredient to control cardiovascular disease risk
Innovative Products and Technologies Universitat de Lleida

Muscle Strength Measuring Device
Innovative Products and Technologies University Hospital Hradec Králové

SCALEM emergy metrics calculation from life-cycle inventories
Innovative Products and Technologies Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

Device for measuring the actual electrical resistivity of the ground and its utilization procedure
Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

High-performance CMOS-MEMS manufacturing technology
Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

Self driven microfluidic filter for seperating liquid from a liquid including deformable particles (i.e plasma from blood)
Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

MECURIS - Platform for customisable and 3D-printed prosthetics and orthotics
Innovative Products and Technologies EIT Digital