Showing 616 to 630 of 2114 results
Novel and simple procedure for dispersing graphene derivatives in chemically curable resins.

Novel and simple procedure for dispersing graphene derivatives in chemically curable resins.

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Catalytic membranes for efficient combustion

Catalytic membranes for efficient combustion

Knowhow and Research output Universidad de Zaragoza
LipidPro - Fluorescent dye for detection of lipid aggregates in living cells and other samples

LipidPro - Fluorescent dye for detection of lipid aggregates in living cells and other samples

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
A new method of obtaining mixoxanthophylls from Arthrospira platensis dye extracts (from spirulina) for use in the pharmaceutical […]

A new method of obtaining mixoxanthophylls from Arthrospira platensis dye extracts (from spirulina) for use in the pharmaceutical […]

Patents for licensing Jagiellonian University
a single-stage, bidirectional and high-frequency isolated power conversion system

a single-stage, bidirectional and high-frequency isolated power conversion system

Patents for licensing INESC TEC
New Derivative of Lupeol for cosmetic applications

New Derivative of Lupeol for cosmetic applications

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
New air purifier that destroys air pollutants.

New air purifier that destroys air pollutants.

Patents for licensing Ouest Valorisation
Immobilized biocatalysts for debittering citrus juices

Immobilized biocatalysts for debittering citrus juices

Research Services and Capabilities UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Industrial production of humic and fulvic acid from biomethan digestate

Industrial production of humic and fulvic acid from biomethan digestate

Innovative Products and Technologies Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Information technology of automation of control of discrete technological and information processes (IT AC DTIP)

Information technology of automation of control of discrete technological and information processes (IT AC DTIP)

Innovative Products and Technologies Private person
Graphene-based drug delivery device for mucosal and transmucosal administration

Graphene-based drug delivery device for mucosal and transmucosal administration

Patents for licensing SISSA
Solar trackers based on parallel kinematics for its integration into Smart Grids

Solar trackers based on parallel kinematics for its integration into Smart Grids

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
The new lupeol derivative and the method of obtaining.

The new lupeol derivative and the method of obtaining.

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
Novel Combination Therapy For Improved Management of Depression

Novel Combination Therapy For Improved Management of Depression

Patents for licensing Yeda
Chemical Free Regenerable Water Filtering System for Small Communities with Contaminated Water

Chemical Free Regenerable Water Filtering System for Small Communities with Contaminated Water

Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.