Showing 556 to 570 of 2335 results

Tethered Aerostat
Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR

Dismountable clamp for bone fixation
Patents for licensing IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand

High-Yield, Highly Reactive Polyols for Polyurethane Production
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services

Biomarkers for the early detection of subclinical atherosclerosis
Patents for licensing Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC)

Extraction of Gold from Electronic Waste and Ores
Patents for licensing Yeda

Plant growth-promoting microorganisms in metal-contaminated soil
Patents for licensing Jagiellonian University

Preparation of MiRNAs libraries through nanotechnology, for massive sequencing
Patents for licensing Universidad de Granada

Dynamically-stable omnidirectional electric vehicle
Innovative Products and Technologies Japan Technology Group, Inc.

Biofilm Repelling Catheter technology -Company looking for partners
Innovative Products and Technologies National Biofilms Innovation Centre

Scalable burst assembly algorithm for Optical Burst Switching networks
Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

Combination of additive and subtractive laser 3D microprocessing for lab-on-chip and chemical sensing applications
Knowhow and Research output Vilnius University

New Improved Plant Protein Upcycled from Rice Brokens
Innovative Products and Technologies Incr-Edible Ingredients

Advanced EPS-lightweight concrete
Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.

Highly Sensitive Nanoscale Scanning Magnetic and Thermal Sensor
Patents for licensing Yeda