Showing 541 to 555 of 2114 results
Soy-Based Corrosion Inhibitor for Ferrous Metals

Soy-Based Corrosion Inhibitor for Ferrous Metals

Innovative Products and Technologies Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council
New fenestrated and equipped with  an endobag aortic arch endograft

New fenestrated and equipped with an endobag aortic arch endograft

Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation
Reusable Gold Nanostars Substrates for Signal Amplification for Diagnostics

Reusable Gold Nanostars Substrates for Signal Amplification for Diagnostics

Patents for licensing Yeda
Peptides for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa

Peptides for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Alphanosos - Leader in botanical plant-based natural antimicrobial control, well-being and medicine

Alphanosos - Leader in botanical plant-based natural antimicrobial control, well-being and medicine

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Alphanosos
Topogami and method for making interlocked single stranded DNA rings

Topogami and method for making interlocked single stranded DNA rings

Patents for licensing Jagiellonian University
Use of small molecules to rescue folding defective proteins

Use of small molecules to rescue folding defective proteins

Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation
Predicting Childhood Obesity

Predicting Childhood Obesity

Patents for licensing Yeda
Method for cell identification and quantification with gold nanoparticles through hydrogen ion reduction

Method for cell identification and quantification with gold nanoparticles through hydrogen ion reduction

Patents for licensing CINBIO
COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Kit

COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Kit

Innovative Products and Technologies Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Novel Combination Therapy For Improved Management of Depression

Novel Combination Therapy For Improved Management of Depression

Patents for licensing Yeda
Smart device security system (FPGA to implement Remote Attestation)

Smart device security system (FPGA to implement Remote Attestation)

Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation
SCANTRUST - Build Brand Trust Through Supply Chain Transparency

SCANTRUST - Build Brand Trust Through Supply Chain Transparency

Innovative Products and Technologies EIT Digital
Fast and non-sequential measurement method for the light response of chlorophyll a fluorescence

Fast and non-sequential measurement method for the light response of chlorophyll a fluorescence

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Biomimetic magnetic nanoparticles for its use in biotechnological applications

Biomimetic magnetic nanoparticles for its use in biotechnological applications

Patents for licensing University of Granada (OTRI)