Showing 541 to 555 of 2335 results

Advanced course on Aluminium - Lightweighting Professional Courses online
Innovative Products and Technologies EIT RawMaterials

In vitro method for the diagnosis or prognosis of neurodegenerative disorders
Patents for licensing CINBIO

Enhance cooling in Evaporative Air condition and greenhouses for Agriculture
Innovative Products and Technologies Jazan University

Method for manufacturing braided fiber reinforced composite dental posts
Patents for licensing Universidad de Granada

Methods of Efficient Lignin Conversion
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services

Nanoparticles of functionalized silica for the removal of arsenate
Patents for licensing Universidad Andres Bello

Transforming agricultural waste into clean, sustainable energy - how biomass can revolutionise the fuel cell industry
Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante

Remote Plant Monitoring System for multiples variables
Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

System and Method for Food Threat Surveillance
Innovative Products and Technologies Georgetown University

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

Sentience 3D
Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR

Continuous Production of Liposomes using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services

Method for the diagnosis of arthrosis
Patents for licensing CINBIO

Microbial DNA Sequencing-Microbialtec Research
Research Services and Capabilities Microbialtec Division