Showing 526 to 540 of 2335 results
Pressure pulsation and vibration damping in reciprocating compressors manifold

Pressure pulsation and vibration damping in reciprocating compressors manifold

Knowhow and Research output Cracow University of Technology
TRPV1 Agonist Therapy for Stabilizing Blood Pressure in Septic Shock

TRPV1 Agonist Therapy for Stabilizing Blood Pressure in Septic Shock

Innovative Products and Technologies Georgetown University
Distributed interference cancellation based on outdated channel gain information

Distributed interference cancellation based on outdated channel gain information

Patents for licensing Instituto de Telecomunicações
Advanced Fire information System Field Terminal

Advanced Fire information System Field Terminal

Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR
Elimination of blade tip vortices of wind turbines

Elimination of blade tip vortices of wind turbines

Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.
Innovative process to obtain metal nanoparticles from cocoa residue

Innovative process to obtain metal nanoparticles from cocoa residue

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
Alphanosos rapid discovery technology against COVID 19

Alphanosos rapid discovery technology against COVID 19

Innovative Products and Technologies Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget
Self driven microfluidic filter for seperating liquid from a liquid including deformable particles (i.e plasma from blood)

Self driven microfluidic filter for seperating liquid from a liquid including deformable particles (i.e plasma from blood)

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
Monitoring system for railway maintenance

Monitoring system for railway maintenance

Patents for licensing University of Vigo
Hydrodynamic cavitation wastewater treatment

Hydrodynamic cavitation wastewater treatment

Patents for licensing University of Ljubljana
Umbiflow low-cost Doppler ultrasound device for better primary health care services for pregnant women

Umbiflow low-cost Doppler ultrasound device for better primary health care services for pregnant women

Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR
SAXE-ONE: Soy-Based Fatty Acid Ester

SAXE-ONE: Soy-Based Fatty Acid Ester

Innovative Products and Technologies Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council
Speech Gap Test – novel automatic speech recognition of Mild Cognitive Impairment

Speech Gap Test – novel automatic speech recognition of Mild Cognitive Impairment

Patents for licensing University of Szeged
The ATra Technology for Secure and Private Information Sharing

The ATra Technology for Secure and Private Information Sharing

Innovative Products and Technologies Georgetown University
PHOTOBIOCURE – injectable implants for soft tissue repair

PHOTOBIOCURE – injectable implants for soft tissue repair

Innovative Products and Technologies POLTISS