Showing 391 to 405 of 2335 results

Biodegradable and biocompatible nano and microparticle development platform for microplastic replacement
Knowhow and Research output ICN2

Complete End to End Industrial Design and Product Development
Research Services and Capabilities Equitus Design Engineering and Innovations Limited

Regulatory compounds of synaptic transmission for the treatment of neurological diseases
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Installation for the treatment of wastewater based on membrane bioreactors
Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Ultrafast and sensitive humidity sensor with subsecond response times
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Allogeneic Cell Transplantation for Treatment for Lung Diseases
Patents for licensing Yeda

Patents for licensing Syncoda Technologies

Magnetic differential for vehicles
Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation

Method for hydrogen production by photo-thermal catalysis
Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas![New specific and optimized culture medium based on glycerine that increases the yield of processes for producing ethanol and hydro[…]](

New specific and optimized culture medium based on glycerine that increases the yield of processes for producing ethanol and hydro[…]
Patents for licensing Universidad de Cádiz

Optical Conversion of Ultra-Fast Laser Pulses
Patents for licensing Yeda

Treatment for Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer
Patents for licensing Yeda

High-added value products from Agro-Food residues
Innovative Products and Technologies FUNDITEC

Tool for the selective section of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae
Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation