Showing 2296 to 2310 of 2312 results


Patents for licensing USP Innovation Agency
Processor Software

Processor Software

Patents for licensing Ranganath Kulkarni
A new reactor that counteracts catalyst deactivation by coke

A new reactor that counteracts catalyst deactivation by coke

Knowhow and Research output Universidad de Zaragoza
PCs Industriales y Sistemas Embedded

PCs Industriales y Sistemas Embedded

Innovative Products and Technologies NOVATRONIC SISTEMAS
Sintering technique for both high density and high precision of steel-based sinters

Sintering technique for both high density and high precision of steel-based sinters

Patents for licensing Cracow University of Technology
Age, growth and feed analysis from teeth images, applicable in palaeontology and the forensic industry

Age, growth and feed analysis from teeth images, applicable in palaeontology and the forensic industry

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Advanced HYbrid Powertrain – AHYP with torque vectoring

Advanced HYbrid Powertrain – AHYP with torque vectoring

Patents for licensing Hibridesign
Holographic sensor for detection of adulterants in essential oils

Holographic sensor for detection of adulterants in essential oils

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Microscope for twistronics and spintronics studies

Microscope for twistronics and spintronics studies

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
Possibility of identifying nautical headlights at the distance that reaches the light if the headlights.

Possibility of identifying nautical headlights at the distance that reaches the light if the headlights.

Patents for licensing University of Huelva
Identification of high performance green solvents

Identification of high performance green solvents

Research Services and Capabilities InKemia Green Chemicals, Inc.
A new packaging system for a real PICK AND PACK solution dedicated to warehouse logistics (e-commerce, automated picking order lin[…]

A new packaging system for a real PICK AND PACK solution dedicated to warehouse logistics (e-commerce, automated picking order lin[…]

Innovative Products and Technologies INAWA
New method for manufacturing powder metallurgy magnets

New method for manufacturing powder metallurgy magnets

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Huelva
System of intelligent probes of monitoring applied to objects of daily use, for the detection of neurodegenerative diseases or dev[…]

System of intelligent probes of monitoring applied to objects of daily use, for the detection of neurodegenerative diseases or dev[…]

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Permanent magnets rotor for high-powered synchronic motors for hybrid vehicles performance.

Permanent magnets rotor for high-powered synchronic motors for hybrid vehicles performance.

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS