Showing 2191 to 2205 of 2312 results
A testing platform for code written with GenAI (copilot, code wisperer, Llama

A testing platform for code written with GenAI (copilot, code wisperer, Llama

Innovative Products and Technologies Provengo
Photopolymerization initiated by UV light - solutions for polymer coatings industry

Photopolymerization initiated by UV light - solutions for polymer coatings industry

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
Process for converting waste, effluents and organic by-products in recyclable materials

Process for converting waste, effluents and organic by-products in recyclable materials

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Micro-Enterprise Media Engine (MEME)

Micro-Enterprise Media Engine (MEME)

Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR
Highly conductive covalently bonded electrodes for fast charging Li-ion batteries

Highly conductive covalently bonded electrodes for fast charging Li-ion batteries

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo
Fingerprint biometric identification utilizing millimetre waves

Fingerprint biometric identification utilizing millimetre waves

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo
Laser technique for the evaluation of erosion resistance of insulating materials

Laser technique for the evaluation of erosion resistance of insulating materials

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Waterloo
New test for components subjected to high pressure (up to 6000 bar)

New test for components subjected to high pressure (up to 6000 bar)

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Early warning system for detecting deterioration in post intensive care patients

Early warning system for detecting deterioration in post intensive care patients

Innovative Products and Technologies Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget
Floatable Photovoltaic System to generate Electric Energy. Advantage of cooling the Photovoltaic System generating more power unde[…]

Floatable Photovoltaic System to generate Electric Energy. Advantage of cooling the Photovoltaic System generating more power unde[…]

Patents for licensing BPE e.K.
New bio-based insulation material from vegetal pith and natural binders

New bio-based insulation material from vegetal pith and natural binders

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
New method to test tuberculosis virulence

New method to test tuberculosis virulence

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
App that allows measure substances of interest with a single photograph

App that allows measure substances of interest with a single photograph

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Method based on a nutritional intervention to fight coccidiosis

Method based on a nutritional intervention to fight coccidiosis

Patents for licensing Universitat de Lleida
New family of dyes

New family of dyes

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE