Showing 1861 to 1875 of 2335 results
Computer aided drug discovery services

Computer aided drug discovery services

Research Services and Capabilities Ukrainian Laboratories


Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs CINBIO
Direct Solar Lighting Technology

Direct Solar Lighting Technology

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs i-EL Technologies
Ohmic heating reactor for chemical synthesis, the method and its applications

Ohmic heating reactor for chemical synthesis, the method and its applications

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Copper Nanoparticles in aqueous suspension

Copper Nanoparticles in aqueous suspension

Innovative Products and Technologies Nano Process SPA
Procedure of determination of soybean proteins in pork meat products treated with heat, by liquid chromatography of high effective[…]

Procedure of determination of soybean proteins in pork meat products treated with heat, by liquid chromatography of high effective[…]

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
ARP-Path Shortest Path Bridges (FastPath Ethernet Transparent Bridges)

ARP-Path Shortest Path Bridges (FastPath Ethernet Transparent Bridges)

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Licensing partner required a plant-derived technology

Licensing partner required a plant-derived technology

Innovative Products and Technologies National Biofilms Innovation Centre
Passive sensor system powered by wireless power transmission

Passive sensor system powered by wireless power transmission

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Smart Resize of Images & Videos

Smart Resize of Images & Videos

Patents for licensing Yeda
Ink for the production of superconducting flexible tapes

Ink for the production of superconducting flexible tapes

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
New therapeutic candidate for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

New therapeutic candidate for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Patents for licensing Universitat de Lleida
Age, growth and feed analysis from teeth images, applicable in palaeontology and the forensic industry

Age, growth and feed analysis from teeth images, applicable in palaeontology and the forensic industry

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Method for treating and obtaining sub-products from residues proceeding from olive mills

Method for treating and obtaining sub-products from residues proceeding from olive mills

Patents for licensing University of Granada (OTRI)
Location system and navigation assistance for blind people, using artificial vision.

Location system and navigation assistance for blind people, using artificial vision.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI