Showing 1861 to 1875 of 2335 results

BTS-Dryer. Biogas & gases dryer Dryer
Innovative Products and Technologies Biogas & Gases Technologies

System to generate ultra-short high-power pulses in lasers
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Fmoc-PNA-M(Boc)-OH Cas 1417611-27-8
Innovative Products and Technologies Creative Peptides

Pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass for the production of second-generation bioethanol
Patents for licensing Universidad de Cádiz

Text to speech Machine Translation
Innovative Products and Technologies Langsoft

Method for the measurement of the light response of chlorophyll a fluorescence
Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia

New Bioreactor for tissue engineering
Innovative Products and Technologies UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia

Method for the manufacture of nanostructured metal coatings
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Myeloid leukemia treatment with tioridazina analogues
Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation

Three-dimensional mapping for melanoma diagnosis
Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation

Reactor for spectroscopic studies
Innovative Products and Technologies Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU

Formulation of dry scrubber with 80% H2S absorption capacity
Knowhow and Research output Bioconservacion

TOrque Vectoring Electric Differential – TOVED
Patents for licensing Hibridesign

The Geotechnical Laboratory at Department of Environmental Engineering of Cracow University of Technology
Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology![Better Care allows the capture, integration, analysis and processing of biomedical signals from a wide range of medical devices (m[…]](