Showing 1816 to 1830 of 2335 results

2D temperature gradient incubator: ideal for day/night experiements
Innovative Products and Technologies Grant Instruments (Cambridge) Ltd

S-PACES. People and vehicle monitoring IoT system to control confinement and healthcare measures during COVID-19
Innovative Products and Technologies Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget![Smart Dust: A Battery-Free, Energy Harvesting Sensor with Integrated Pre-Quantum Superposition Processor and Artificial Intelligen[…]](

Smart Dust: A Battery-Free, Energy Harvesting Sensor with Integrated Pre-Quantum Superposition Processor and Artificial Intelligen[…]
Innovative Products and Technologies EPIC Semiconductors

Synthesis of bioactive compounds
Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology

Sleep monitoring system / System monitorujący sen
Innovative Products and Technologies Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

New use of pasireotide-LAR in breast cancer chemoprevention
Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Automatic feature descriptor in agriculture images using neural networks
Innovative Products and Technologies Fundació URV

Antiviral and antibacterial textiles functionalized with natural biologically active dye
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Ljubljana

Precast concrete floating platform to support Off-shore deep sea wind turbines
Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

Tethered Aerostat
Innovative Products and Technologies CSIR

New inorganic cement for biomedical applications
Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC

Isolation of the unsaponifiable fraction from oils and minor compounds
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

New electrochemical etching device which allows producing Sharp metal wires at the micro- or nanoscale in less than 1 minute
Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia

Environmental indices through LandSAT images
Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas