Showing 1816 to 1830 of 2335 results
Exhaust gas treatment system using polymer membrane for carbon dioxide capture process

Exhaust gas treatment system using polymer membrane for carbon dioxide capture process

Innovative Products and Technologies Korea Institute of Energy Research
Know-How Technology of Low–Temperature Catalytic Purification of Gas Emissions from Methane

Know-How Technology of Low–Temperature Catalytic Purification of Gas Emissions from Methane

Innovative Products and Technologies Ukrainian Laboratories
Self-regulated heat sink device for uniform temperature distribution

Self-regulated heat sink device for uniform temperature distribution

Patents for licensing Universitat de Lleida
Passive sensor system powered by wireless power transmission

Passive sensor system powered by wireless power transmission

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Software tool and method for modelling device-independent web applications

Software tool and method for modelling device-independent web applications

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
Spin Controlled Water Electrolysis for Efficient Production of Hydrogen

Spin Controlled Water Electrolysis for Efficient Production of Hydrogen

Patents for licensing Yeda
Point-of-care analytical device for rapid and multiplexed detection of biomarkers

Point-of-care analytical device for rapid and multiplexed detection of biomarkers

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Epigenetic biomarkers for diagnosis and  prevention of obesity progression

Epigenetic biomarkers for diagnosis and prevention of obesity progression

Patents for licensing IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand
Direct sensor for electron microscopy with in-pixel energy measurement

Direct sensor for electron microscopy with in-pixel energy measurement

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Modular Inspection Robot for Harsh Environments

Modular Inspection Robot for Harsh Environments

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services
Two in one: engineering recombinant biocatalysts for plastic recycling and towards bioplastic production

Two in one: engineering recombinant biocatalysts for plastic recycling and towards bioplastic production

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Composición farmacéutica para el tratamiento de la fibrosis quística

Composición farmacéutica para el tratamiento de la fibrosis quística

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Intelligent Transport System for the optimzation of  indoor shared resources: routes, communication channels and sensor networks.

Intelligent Transport System for the optimzation of indoor shared resources: routes, communication channels and sensor networks.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Spontaneous Facial Expression Databases

Spontaneous Facial Expression Databases

Innovative Products and Technologies Binghamton University
Food Processor employing Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Technology

Food Processor employing Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Technology

Patents for licensing Czech University of Life Sciences