Showing 1696 to 1710 of 2335 results
Solar energy use for water potabilization by electrodialysis

Solar energy use for water potabilization by electrodialysis

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Separation of nucleic acids using chromatographic matrices functionalized with ionic liquids

Separation of nucleic acids using chromatographic matrices functionalized with ionic liquids

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Innovative procedure for the preparation of silica fillings without shrinkage

Innovative procedure for the preparation of silica fillings without shrinkage

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
CARDAMINE Phenalkamine curing agents

CARDAMINE Phenalkamine curing agents

Innovative Products and Technologies Bitrez Limited
Hybrid solar panel with high energy efficiency

Hybrid solar panel with high energy efficiency

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Additive manufacturing of 3D glass-ceramics down to nanoscale resolution

Additive manufacturing of 3D glass-ceramics down to nanoscale resolution

Knowhow and Research output Vilnius University
BLOOLA - Centralised communication, collaboration and task management

BLOOLA - Centralised communication, collaboration and task management

Innovative Products and Technologies EIT Digital
Electrospinning system for large-scale manufacturing of aligned 3D fiber matrices

Electrospinning system for large-scale manufacturing of aligned 3D fiber matrices

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
GEL-AID: Gelified isotonic water for hydration in dysphagia

GEL-AID: Gelified isotonic water for hydration in dysphagia

Innovative Products and Technologies Universitat de Lleida
Predict method of Pregnant Gestational age

Predict method of Pregnant Gestational age

Innovative Products and Technologies Fundación para la Investigación Biosanitaria de Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO)
Innovative process for the removal of persistent organic pollutants present in wastewater streams

Innovative process for the removal of persistent organic pollutants present in wastewater streams

Patents for licensing University of Vigo
Novel motion nanosensor based on mechanical amplification

Novel motion nanosensor based on mechanical amplification

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
Biotechnological production of 11α hydroxylated steroids using recombinant bacteria.

Biotechnological production of 11α hydroxylated steroids using recombinant bacteria.

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas


Innovative Products and Technologies Independent
Sustainable mulching of liquid application for weed control in perennial crops.

Sustainable mulching of liquid application for weed control in perennial crops.

Innovative Products and Technologies Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC