Showing 1636 to 1650 of 2114 results
Hospital emissions: N2O abatement

Hospital emissions: N2O abatement

Innovative Products and Technologies Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU
A new method of obtaining mixoxanthophylls from Arthrospira platensis dye extracts (from spirulina) for use in the pharmaceutical […]

A new method of obtaining mixoxanthophylls from Arthrospira platensis dye extracts (from spirulina) for use in the pharmaceutical […]

Patents for licensing Jagiellonian University
High-strength self-compacting siderurgic concrete

High-strength self-compacting siderurgic concrete

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Synthesis of Arylpiperazines as Perspective Toxoplasma gondii Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitors

Synthesis of Arylpiperazines as Perspective Toxoplasma gondii Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitors

Innovative Products and Technologies Ukrainian Laboratories
Method for the manufacture of nanostructured metal coatings

Method for the manufacture of nanostructured metal coatings

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Laboratory-scale photoreactors for high-througput experimentation

Laboratory-scale photoreactors for high-througput experimentation

Innovative Products and Technologies Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia
New Glaze Formula For  Ceramic And Tile Industries Without Using Of Zirconium (50% saving)

New Glaze Formula For Ceramic And Tile Industries Without Using Of Zirconium (50% saving)

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Nu innovations Inc
New process for using beer bagasse (spent brewers grain) to obtain raw materials for the production of biofuels

New process for using beer bagasse (spent brewers grain) to obtain raw materials for the production of biofuels

Patents for licensing Universidad de Cádiz
New Derivative of Lupeol for cosmetic applications

New Derivative of Lupeol for cosmetic applications

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
Thermostable (Heat-stable) Flavour loaded in High Density Beads Technology

Thermostable (Heat-stable) Flavour loaded in High Density Beads Technology

Innovative Products and Technologies DNA CATCHER S.L.U
Decarbonization TiO2 nanoparticles-based photocatalytic technology.

Decarbonization TiO2 nanoparticles-based photocatalytic technology.

Innovative Products and Technologies FN NANO CANADA
New Antiviral Compounds

New Antiviral Compounds

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services
Double flow channel open-type solar heat absorber

Double flow channel open-type solar heat absorber

Innovative Products and Technologies Korea Institute of Energy Research
“Air filter integrated in a bicycle’s wheel” – giving bicycles the power to provide cleaner urban air

“Air filter integrated in a bicycle’s wheel” – giving bicycles the power to provide cleaner urban air

Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.
Microbial networks for sustainable aquaculture

Microbial networks for sustainable aquaculture

Innovative Products and Technologies Kyoto University