Showing 1636 to 1650 of 2335 results

Production of Lactic Acid from 5C lignocellulosic sugars
Innovative Products and Technologies IMDEA Energy

Hybrid solar panel with high energy efficiency
Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Detector based on a film for in situ Iron, Aluminium and Mercury measures
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Patents for licensing Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Bioactive compounds of food and their health benefits
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

BEBE-Learning, software to assist in the early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Universal sensor platform for immunoassay
Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

SIDEKICK HEALTH - Therapeutics platform to prevent chronic diseases
Innovative Products and Technologies EIT Digital

EASY BROADCAST - End-to-end video streaming solutions
Innovative Products and Technologies EIT Digital

SARS-CoV-2 NSP16 Targeted Library
Innovative Products and Technologies Otava Research Institute

Polyurethane foam containing metal nanoparticles
Patents for licensing Cracow University of Technology

High-Throughput Sequencing Methods to Test Samples
Innovative Products and Technologies Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget![A device and a method for preparation of thin layer having a predefined spatial structure for applications in electronics and phot[…]](

A device and a method for preparation of thin layer having a predefined spatial structure for applications in electronics and phot[…]
Innovative Products and Technologies Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU

Novel bioadhesive for wound closure in animals or humans
Innovative Products and Technologies Universidad de Alicante