Showing 1591 to 1605 of 2114 results
Food composition based on babassu A gluten-free food composition comprising extruded babassu flour. Alternative and novel material[…]

Food composition based on babassu A gluten-free food composition comprising extruded babassu flour. Alternative and novel material[…]

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
High Oleic Soybean Oil Hand Sanitizer

High Oleic Soybean Oil Hand Sanitizer

Knowhow and Research output Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council
New orthotic glove designed to amplify hand strength An actuated hand exoskeleton useful for old or disabled people who have not e[…]

New orthotic glove designed to amplify hand strength An actuated hand exoskeleton useful for old or disabled people who have not e[…]

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC


Knowhow and Research output National Cancer Institute CRO Aviano
New reusable, lightweight and economical formwork element

New reusable, lightweight and economical formwork element

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Gold catalysts supported on mixed oxides highly efficient and stable in the Water Gas Shift reaction

Gold catalysts supported on mixed oxides highly efficient and stable in the Water Gas Shift reaction

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Biodegradable partitioned tray made of waste paper

Biodegradable partitioned tray made of waste paper

Innovative Products and Technologies Laser Consult Ltd.
Peptide for Titanium and Biomaterial Surface Coating for Enhanced Osseointegration

Peptide for Titanium and Biomaterial Surface Coating for Enhanced Osseointegration

Patents for licensing Biomedicine and Biotechnology Center - Leipzig University
DME (Di-methyl Ether) from Waste (Agro, Animal, Forest)

DME (Di-methyl Ether) from Waste (Agro, Animal, Forest)

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Dr.Yogesh Joshi
HyLED optospintronics devices

HyLED optospintronics devices

Patents for licensing Universitat de València
The new lupeol derivative and the method of obtaining.

The new lupeol derivative and the method of obtaining.

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
Passive sensor for in situ detection of amines in atmospheres

Passive sensor for in situ detection of amines in atmospheres

Innovative Products and Technologies Universitat de València
Aortic aneurysm treatment device

Aortic aneurysm treatment device

Patents for licensing IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand
Know-how in Sodium ion/sodium metal batteries

Know-how in Sodium ion/sodium metal batteries

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
Transformation of biomass waste to obtain catalysts of interest to the chemical industry

Transformation of biomass waste to obtain catalysts of interest to the chemical industry

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante