Showing 12721 to 12735 of 17484 results
Myeloid leukemia treatment with tioridazina analogues

Myeloid leukemia treatment with tioridazina analogues

Patents for licensing Unismart - University of Padua Foundation
COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Kit

COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Kit

Innovative Products and Technologies Tehran University of Medical Sciences
A novel mild and efficient method to prepare ε-Caprolactam, the precursor of Nylon 6

A novel mild and efficient method to prepare ε-Caprolactam, the precursor of Nylon 6

Patents for licensing University of Vigo
New method for prognosis of breast cancer recurrence

New method for prognosis of breast cancer recurrence

Patents for licensing Universidad de Málaga
Quantum Random Number Generator QRNG

Quantum Random Number Generator QRNG

Patents for licensing University of Vigo
Innovative mechanism for integral cleaning and maintenance of wind turbines

Innovative mechanism for integral cleaning and maintenance of wind turbines

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Smart Resize of Images & Videos

Smart Resize of Images & Videos

Patents for licensing Yeda