Showing 11836 to 11850 of 17484 results
Passive sensor system powered by wireless power transmission

Passive sensor system powered by wireless power transmission

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Label Free Detection and Imaging of Biofilms

Label Free Detection and Imaging of Biofilms

Knowhow and Research output National Biofilms Innovation Centre
Treating Cancer by Inhibiting Nuclear Entry of MAPK Cascade Proteins

Treating Cancer by Inhibiting Nuclear Entry of MAPK Cascade Proteins

Patents for licensing Yeda
Weight & gas pressure IoT sensor telemetry solution with machine learning predictive inventory

Weight & gas pressure IoT sensor telemetry solution with machine learning predictive inventory

Innovative Products and Technologies Pulsa
New iridium(III) complexes with application as photo-catalyst and for the treatment of cancer

New iridium(III) complexes with application as photo-catalyst and for the treatment of cancer

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
High Cooling Inducer Air condition

High Cooling Inducer Air condition

Innovative Products and Technologies Jazan University
Multilevel Active-Clamped Electrical Energy Converter

Multilevel Active-Clamped Electrical Energy Converter

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
Location system and navigation assistance for blind people, using artificial vision.

Location system and navigation assistance for blind people, using artificial vision.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI