Showing 11731 to 11745 of 17420 results
Multisilva: A web-based decision support system to support forest management

Multisilva: A web-based decision support system to support forest management

Innovative Products and Technologies Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
one-step method for the postsynthetic modification of metal-organicframeworks

one-step method for the postsynthetic modification of metal-organicframeworks

Patents for licensing Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia
Enhancing sustainability and reducing food waste at all points along the food value chain

Enhancing sustainability and reducing food waste at all points along the food value chain

Innovative Products and Technologies Resetfoods
Software Cloud CRM for Car Rental Industry

Software Cloud CRM for Car Rental Industry

Innovative Products and Technologies Wiziit & Guiddit