Showing 17821 to 17835 of 18161 results
Video surveillance system and intelligence monitoritation.

Video surveillance system and intelligence monitoritation.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Assistive products for people with disabilities.

Assistive products for people with disabilities.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Variable flow pump for longitudinal displacement

Variable flow pump for longitudinal displacement

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
Acoustic propagation model and location systems for underwater environments

Acoustic propagation model and location systems for underwater environments

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
ELECTRE-H software package: a tool for data analysis and decision aiding with hierarchical criteria

ELECTRE-H software package: a tool for data analysis and decision aiding with hierarchical criteria

Innovative Products and Technologies Fundació URV
one-step method for the postsynthetic modification of metal-organicframeworks

one-step method for the postsynthetic modification of metal-organicframeworks

Patents for licensing Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia
LARES Robotic Solutions for telecare

LARES Robotic Solutions for telecare

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Device for position and lumbar spine control.

Device for position and lumbar spine control.

Innovative Products and Technologies UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Sintering technique for both high density and high precision of steel-based sinters

Sintering technique for both high density and high precision of steel-based sinters

Patents for licensing Cracow University of Technology
Laboratory of energy efficient building

Laboratory of energy efficient building

Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology
New nanostructured catalyzers without noble metals and with low content in lanthanides

New nanostructured catalyzers without noble metals and with low content in lanthanides

Patents for licensing Universidad de Cádiz
Fluorescent compounds, methods of manufacturing and uses thereof

Fluorescent compounds, methods of manufacturing and uses thereof

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
New Glaze Formula For  Ceramic And Tile Industries Without Using Of Zirconium (50% saving)

New Glaze Formula For Ceramic And Tile Industries Without Using Of Zirconium (50% saving)

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Nu innovations Inc
Screening device with graphene quantum dots and smartphone readout

Screening device with graphene quantum dots and smartphone readout

Patents for licensing Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia
Sensor fluorimétrico, basado en un material polimérico, para la detección “in situ” y cuantificación de aniones, cloruros […]

Sensor fluorimétrico, basado en un material polimérico, para la detección “in situ” y cuantificación de aniones, cloruros […]

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS