Showing 17491 to 17496 of 17496 results
Seeking for a method to remove sodium and trapped water from residual fuel oil

Seeking for a method to remove sodium and trapped water from residual fuel oil

Specific Technical Innovation Organization from Spain
Seeking to allocate new possible innovations in cosmetology and trichology

Seeking to allocate new possible innovations in cosmetology and trichology

Specific Technical Innovation Scientific Federation
Seeking for a probe measuring IgG concentration on-line in a tank

Seeking for a probe measuring IgG concentration on-line in a tank

Ready to Market Technical Innovations and Products Takeda
Seeking water technologies - forest and wood related technologies

Seeking water technologies - forest and wood related technologies

Game Changer Technologies and Ideas World Resource Ventures
Seeking for how to improve long-steel products

Seeking for how to improve long-steel products

Specific Technical Innovation Celsa Group
Seeking a financial supports to develop a new bioplastic packages

Seeking a financial supports to develop a new bioplastic packages

Partners for Consortium University of São Paulo