Showing 16726 to 16740 of 17353 results
Alzheimer Early Test, a machine learning method to preemptively detect Alzheimer desease.

Alzheimer Early Test, a machine learning method to preemptively detect Alzheimer desease.

Knowhow and Research output Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
WebSemaphore - concurrency management

WebSemaphore - concurrency management

Innovative Products and Technologies Broadmind Cloud Technologies
Coating for inactivation of viruses and bacteria

Coating for inactivation of viruses and bacteria

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Automatic Centreline Extraction Algorithm for Complex 3D Objects

Automatic Centreline Extraction Algorithm for Complex 3D Objects

Patents for licensing University of Manitoba
Crosslinking aromatic polyamides (aramids)

Crosslinking aromatic polyamides (aramids)

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Aortic aneurysm treatment device

Aortic aneurysm treatment device

Patents for licensing IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand
Method for producing nanocorundum

Method for producing nanocorundum

Patents for licensing Universitat de València
Permanent antimicrobial properties on textile materials by staining them with modified indigo dye

Permanent antimicrobial properties on textile materials by staining them with modified indigo dye

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
Ecological assessment of groundwater and groundwater dependent ecosystems

Ecological assessment of groundwater and groundwater dependent ecosystems

Innovative Products and Technologies IMDEA Water Institute
Knowledge on occupational safety and health (OSH)

Knowledge on occupational safety and health (OSH)

Knowhow and Research output PEROSH
Proteomic Service

Proteomic Service

Research Services and Capabilities Creative Proteomics
Novel visual inspection system for quality control in production procesess

Novel visual inspection system for quality control in production procesess

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
DNA & Genomics Sequencing Service

DNA & Genomics Sequencing Service

Research Services and Capabilities CD Genomics