Showing 16621 to 16635 of 17361 results
A Computer System for Automated Reasoning to find implicit information in Natural Language Sentences

A Computer System for Automated Reasoning to find implicit information in Natural Language Sentences

Innovative Products and Technologies Langsoft
PSICODEM is a very simple software. It allows you to choose the most appropriate psychosocial intervention for people suffering fr[…]

PSICODEM is a very simple software. It allows you to choose the most appropriate psychosocial intervention for people suffering fr[…]

Innovative Products and Technologies Fundació UdG Medicina
The new lupeol derivative and the method of obtaining.

The new lupeol derivative and the method of obtaining.

Innovative Products and Technologies Cracow University of Technology
Laboratory for Trace Organic Analyses - Cracow Univerisity of Technology

Laboratory for Trace Organic Analyses - Cracow Univerisity of Technology

Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology
Test for rapid quantifying Legionella in waters (1 hour) (Legipid) based on Immuno-Magnetic Separation (IMS)

Test for rapid quantifying Legionella in waters (1 hour) (Legipid) based on Immuno-Magnetic Separation (IMS)

Innovative Products and Technologies Biótica, Bioquímica Analítica,S.L.
New vacine against MERS-CoV based on RNA replicons

New vacine against MERS-CoV based on RNA replicons

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Laboratory of energy efficient building

Laboratory of energy efficient building

Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology
Fermenter Tool software to improve fermentation processes

Fermenter Tool software to improve fermentation processes

Research Services and Capabilities Alpha-Integrum, Ltd.
New nanostructured catalyzers without noble metals and with low content in lanthanides

New nanostructured catalyzers without noble metals and with low content in lanthanides

Patents for licensing Universidad de Cádiz
Helical solar radiation shield for temperature sensor

Helical solar radiation shield for temperature sensor

Innovative Products and Technologies Barani Design
A new non-invasive method for the diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer

A new non-invasive method for the diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
Functional actives for animal nutrition and hygiene based on synergistic mixes of plants already authorized as nutrients and feed […]

Functional actives for animal nutrition and hygiene based on synergistic mixes of plants already authorized as nutrients and feed […]

Patents for licensing Alphanosos
Chemical Processes Intensification Laboratory

Chemical Processes Intensification Laboratory

Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology