Showing 15796 to 15810 of 17418 results
Procedure for estimating the content of 7S and 11S globulins in soybeans by Perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chrom[…]

Procedure for estimating the content of 7S and 11S globulins in soybeans by Perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chrom[…]

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
New vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 based on MVA vector

New vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 based on MVA vector

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Fooling the Virus: A Fusion Protein as Virus-Specific Therapeutic

Fooling the Virus: A Fusion Protein as Virus-Specific Therapeutic

Innovative Products and Technologies Covid-19 Innovation Challenges by Innoget
A new, effective method for obtaining common ash cuttings

A new, effective method for obtaining common ash cuttings

Patents for licensing Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU
Polyurethane foam containing metal nanoparticles

Polyurethane foam containing metal nanoparticles

Patents for licensing Cracow University of Technology
New inorganic cement for biomedical applications

New inorganic cement for biomedical applications

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
Soy-PK: Bio-Based Alternative to Epoxy Resins

Soy-PK: Bio-Based Alternative to Epoxy Resins

Innovative Products and Technologies Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council
SAXETHANE - a urethane-modified soy-based fatty acid ester that can substitute for petroleum-based chemicals

SAXETHANE - a urethane-modified soy-based fatty acid ester that can substitute for petroleum-based chemicals

Innovative Products and Technologies Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council