Seeking Experts in 4D Point Cloud Data Processing, Feature Extraction and Predictive Modeling

Desired outcome

P&G has accumulated a vast amount of micro-CT scan data. The data has been processed into 4D point clouds (x, y, z, d) data consisting of 50K to 60K points per product/object.

The Procter & Gamble Company

Details of the Innovation Need

Our primary objective is to develop robust and accurate predictive model that utilizes the 4D point cloud data to predict product properties for future products/objects. The model will enable us to enhance our product development, quality control, and overall decision-making process.


We are seeking consultations with experts who possess in-depth knowledge and experience in the following areas.

  1. 3D point cloud data preprocessing
  • Expertise in preprocessing methods for 3D point cloud data, such as orientation alignment, denoising, and normalization.
  1. Calculation of Geometric Features
  • Deep understanding of methods and techniques for calculating both local and global geometric features from 3D point clouds.
  • The ability to provide python codes that efficiently extract geometric features from point cloud data.
  1. AI/Computer Vision Prediction:
  • Expertise in innovative computer vision techniques and AI algorithms to predict product properties using 4D point cloud data obtained from micro-CT scans.
  • We have some preliminary approaches and are looking for new and better approaches.


  • We are interested in techniques implemented using Python (no other software).
  • We do not require individuals to perform data preprocessing, modeling, or programming task.

Related Keywords

  • Information Processing, Information System, Workflow Management
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Data Processing / Data Interchange, Middleware
  • Industrial Technologies

About The Procter & Gamble Company

An American multinational consumer goods corporation headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a simple soap and candle company. Today, we’re the world’s largest consumer goods company and home to iconic, trusted brands that make life a little bit easier in small but meaningful ways. We’ve spanned three centuries thanks to three simple ideas: leadership, innovation and citizenship.

The Procter & Gamble Company

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  • Do not disclose confidential information that is not properly protected
  • Explain and focus on the benefits of applying and/ or developing your solution or technology rather than how you will get into it
  • Provide information about specific expected outcome, implementation or developing timeline and costs
  • Explain about your track record on projects you have successfully worked related to this technology field
  • Use pre-defined buttons to give specific details about your proposal “Stage of development”, “Commercial Information” and “Intellectual Property Status”
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There is no need to sign an NDA. You are not asked to reveal any confidential information nor provide any solution that is not protected at this point. You just have to provide non-confidential information. After submitting your proposal the posting company will evaluate it and directly connect with you. This is when if there is an interest you would request to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the company to keep the conversation ongoing.
The average response rate for this user is 3 weeks
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