Technology Transfer Centre, University of Warsaw (UOTT UW)

Technology Transfer Network • Poland • 17 followers

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The UOTT UW was established in 1998 by resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw in order to promote better use of the University’s intellectual and technical potential in the economy, and also to support all kind of actions devoted to the implementation of academic knowledge into the industry and commercial market. The UOTT UW supports scientists throughout the whole commercialization path – from the idea, through filing a patent application, to establishing a spin-off company, selling a license or a single disposal of rights. Consequently, the UOTT UW established close cooperation with economic entities involved in medical equipment, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical products, technology and Internet services, development and production of control and measurement instruments, as well as industrial automation.

The UOTT UW offers companies the opportunity to access UW’s research expertise, world-class laboratory and measurement facilities, and a wide range of business services to help businesses to grow and become more profitable.

Our services include but not limited to the following:
- Transfer of Innovative Solutions and Technologies – offering new technology for licensing and other forms of commercialization
- Measurement and Analysis Services – unbiased information that supports product development
- Commissioned Research – solution tailored to business needs
- Research Collaboration – a minor contribution opens the doors to extensive research and collaborative community
- UW Innovation Club – business and industry development within university networks
- Consultancy Services – consultancy expertise to solve your business issues
- Continuing Education – enhanced expertise through off-the-self of tailored training to meet your staff development needs
- Networking Events – research finding and expert contacts
- HR Recruitment and Selection – design the most effective selection process within your organization
- Polish Association of Centers for Technology Transfer ( brokrage services.

Contact person

Technology Transfer Network
Warsaw, Poland

About our Innovation Strategy

We are currently seeking best-in-class collaboration partners for our publications listed in the tab Opportunities. We want to invite you to cooperate with us, so please repond to any of the opportunities by submitting one or more proposals. Our team will directly evaluate them and get back to you with a response. Please provide as much detailed non-confidential information as possible to facilitate the engagement process.

Research areas (20)

Electronics, IT and TelecommsIndustrial manufacturing, Material and Transport TechnologiesIndustrial TechnologiesEnergy TechnologyPhysical Sciences and Exact Sciences and 15 more

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Technology Transfer Centre, University of Warsaw (UOTT UW) has't published any job offer yet

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