Horizon Europe: A practical insight
- Event organized by Europa Media
- 05 - 06 November, 2019
- Budapest, Hungary
- Courses Event
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Event description
2-day practical preparatory course for Horizon Europe. We explain the lessons learnt in Horizon 2020 and based on these introduce the changes to be applied by proposal writers and project managers in 2019-2021 transition period We are prepared. Are you? An intensive 2-day course giving you the full picture. WHY Europa Media's course? Europa Media’s trainers are actual project managers, coordinators and financial administrators of our 15 successfully running H2020 projects – giving you advice based on their everyday experience. Europa Media is always the first to provide clear and understandable explanations and answers through practical examples and workshops. Europa Media is Europe’s leading provider of practical training courses in developing and implementing EU R&I projects. Because we will introduce Horizon Europe changes from the practical perspective. We will cover the following topics: Horizon Europe – what is it and how to prepare for it? Structure of the programme What is new – focus on new funding schemes, financing rules Let’s see the practical perspective on: Sustainable Development Goals – the global agenda; Open Innovation, Open science, Open to the world in Horizon Europe (3Os); Leadership in innovation and entrepreneurship; R&I missions; New partnerships like Technology Platforms, ERA-NETs, Innovation Partnerships, etc.; InvestEU for R&I; Timeline; Lobbying; Tasks for grants offices and research managers, financial and legal advisers. How to draft H2020 proposal sections differently now – lessons learnt: Link Ambition with Impact; Integrate the 3Os; Highlight KPIs; Scientific and Industrial resources to be considered; Data Management Plans – what, how, who; Find synergies with other programmes. How to manage your project differently – lessons learnt: Strict administration; Close financial monitoring; Non-compliance and joint technical responsibility; Data Management and Open access issues; Citizens’ engagement; Co-creation processes with stakeholders; Ethical and gender issues.
- Agriculture and marine resources
- Agrofood industry
- Biological sciences
- Consumer related
- Electronics, IT and Telecomms
- Energy
- Blockchain
- Industrial manufacturing and materials transport
- Medical / Health related
- Physical and exact sciences
- Protecting man and environment
- Social and economic concerns
- Others
- Photonics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fintech
- Chemicals
- Cosmetics, Health and Beauty
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security