
FEI: Front End of Innovation USA 2019
- Event organized by KNect365
- 14 - 16 May, 2019
- Boston, MA, USA
- Innovation Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
Join the upcoming FEI: Front End of Innovation USA 2019, held by KNect365 in Boston, MA, USA.
Growth Mindset: Forge New Partnerships. Shatter Business Silos. Innovate for Tomorrow.
May 14-16, 2019 | Boston, MA
The 17th annual Front End of Innovation conference helps you merge innovation processes and corporate culture into a powerful engine that dominates markets.
With special insights from Apple legend Steve Wozniak, MIT Media Lab visionary Joi Ito, and Google’s Ivy Ross, FEI gives you the ammunition you need to stop talking about the value of innovation, and start delivering on it.
Innoget subscribers save $100 on their registration with VIP code FEI19INNOGET.
- Agriculture and marine resources
- Agrofood industry
- Biological sciences
- Consumer related
- Electronics, IT and Telecomms
- Energy
- Blockchain
- Industrial manufacturing and materials transport
- Medical / Health related
- Physical and exact sciences
- Protecting man and environment
- Social and economic concerns
- Photonics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fintech
- Chemicals
- Cosmetics, Health and Beauty
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security