ISPIM Connects Fukuoka: Solving Challenges Through Innovation
- Event organized by ISPIM
- 02 - 05 December, 2018
- Fukuoka, Japan
- Innovation Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
Join the upcoming innovation event "ISPIM Connects Fukuoka: Solving Challenges Through Innovation" held by ISPIM in Fukuoka, Japan.
ISPIM is running a challenge-based innovation conference in Fukuoka in December.
Why challenge-based?
Well, we feel that this way we can better engage people whilst also organizing a conference that will deliver greater impact to the host city. Having liaised with the City of Fukuoka, we have selected three critical challenges that are also of global importance: How can we deal with aging populations? How should we transition our production and use of energy? How do we build successful start-up ecosystems? We will be discussing what role innovation can play in solving these challenges and have a series of keynote presentations, discussion panels, workshops and site visits all aimed to address these challenges as well as other innovation management hot-topics.
Conference highlights:
Headline speakers include: Mayor of Fukuoka City (TBC); Yutaka Aso - Chairman, Kyushu Economic Federation; Atsushi Koresawa - Director of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UN-HABITAT Population Ageing speakers & panellists include: Florian Kohlbacher - The Economist Intelligence Unit; Takuya Nakamura - Policy, Planning Department, Public Health & Welfare Bureau, Fukuoka City; Noboru Konno - Future Center Alliance Japan; Cornelius Herstatt - Institute for Technology & Innovation Management, TU Hamburg; Megumi Takata - Kyushu University; Yasuko Akutsu - Aging 2.0 Energy Transition speakers & panellists include: Petros Sofronis - International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER); Tim Jones - The Future Agenda; Yukari Yamashita - The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (TBC); Ken Isono - Shizen Energy Inc; Roy Palmer - Association of International Seafood Professionals Startup Ecosystem speakers & panellists include: Shigeo Kagami - University of Tokyo; Yuta Hirayama - Fukuoka Directive Council; Russell O’Brien – City of Auckland; Masaaki Yoshikawa - Osaka City Government; Mats Magnusson - KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Chie Sato - Biztech Inc. Visits to UN Habitat Fukuoka, Fukuoka Startup Café, Yaskawa Robot Village, TOTO Museum & Production Facility plus more...
Optional post-conference tour to Hiroshima by Shinkansen (bullet train) to visit Mazda & the Peace Memorial Museum.
- Energy
- Medical / Health related
- Others