Horizon 2020 Finance Academy
- Event organized by Europa Media
- 16 - 19 October, 2018
- Budapest, Hungary
- Courses Event
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Event description
Join the upcoming "Horizon 2020 Finance Academy" held in Budapest, Hungary by Europa media.
This brand-new four-day training programme by Europa Media will provide a complete understanding of finances in Horizon 2020 to project administrators, accountants, CFOs, financial managers, grants offices, research managers and all those in charge of budgeting H2020 proposals and administering and reporting H2020 projects.
Join Europa Media’s Horizon 2020 Finance Academy and get an all-round understanding of finances in H2020 from A to Z. Apply correctly the financial rules of Horizon 2020 in your organization and project: learn how to interpret the articles of the H2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreement Set your finances in Horizon 2020 straight from the very beginning: understand how to plan and build a robust and sound project budget at the proposal stage Keep your budget under control during the implementation of your project: know the rules as well as your room to manoeuvre within your budget Monitor and administer your costs accurately during your project: understand how to establish a sound H2020 financial management and bookkeeping system Prepare and submit your financial statements correctly: learn how to charge the different types of costs and report them on the Participant Portal Handle changes and unforeseen events effectively: understand how to manage resources, cost reallocations, adjustments, amendments and other challenging situations
Get prepared for EC financial audits: understand the audit process and organise everything from your project budget to final financial statements accordingly
1. Trainers are actual H2020 Project Coordinators and Financial Managers This 4-day training programme is built 100% on H2020 project experience and real-life examples. Our trainers and workshop leaders are flesh-and-bone financial managers and administrators, whose daily work is to plan and coordinate project budgets, prepare financial statements, manage and control project spending, handle amendments and reallocations, and assist our project partners in their financial management and reporting of their H2020 projects. Their projects were recently subject of an EC audit.
2. Lectures and practical workshops on H2020 budget planning, financial management and reporting, and EC Audits Experience Europa Media's unique "learning-by-doing" approach. Lectures and presentations with practical tips and stories are complemented by hands-on workshops and exercises throughout the four days. Topics covered: Financial rules of Horizon 2020 from A to Z: personnel costs, timesheets, travel costs, durable equipment, consumables, third parties, certificates, guarantee fund, etc. Accurate and effective budgeting in H2020 proposals Budget management and bookkeeping in H2020 projects Financial management tools in multi-partner Grant Agreements Budget transfers, amendments and adjustments Financial reporting in H2020 EC financial audits of H2020 projects
Hands-on workshops: Workshop: Resource planning and budgeting in H2020 proposals Understand the importance of planning your project budget at the proposal stage. Participants will go through exercises to estimate their budget for a virtual H2020 proposal in which they are a partner. They will have to calculate their person-month rate correctly, estimate other direct costs such as travel, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, and demonstrate how their technical role and planned activities in the project are consistent with their planned resources and budget. Workshop: Financial Management and Reporting Discover the well-known and utterly unique workshop of Europa Media. Participants will receive a package consisting of timesheets, salary slips, invoices, contracts, per-diem certificates and mission reports for a virtual H2020 project. They will then have to calculate the eligible costs and prepare and submit a financial statement. Workshop: EC Audit You will become an auditor for a day! Participants in small groups will perform a financial audit of a virtual Horizon 2020 project based on the documentation provided by us.
Your Benefits
Learn everything about finances in Horizon 2020 – from budget planning in your proposal to post-project EC audits. Participate in Europa Media's well-known hands-on workshops: put together an effective budget, prepare your financial statement, and audit an H2020 project. Discover the mistakes you made during the workshops and find out how to avoid making them again. Ensure that your institution’s financial system and projects are fully conform with the H2020 AMGA rules. Network and exchange experiences with leading universities, research institutions and companies from around the EU and beyond. Over the past 14 years, our training courses have been attended by over 7,000 participants from leading research institutions, universities, SMEs, industry and other public and civil society organisations from all over Europe and beyond.
Feedback from previous participants show that this course is equally useful for Administrators Accountants CFOs and financial managers Grants offices Research managers Decision makers coming from Public institutions Universities and research institutions SMEs and large companies Thanks to our learning-by-doing approach and the unique workshops, participants with different backgrounds will meet all their expectations. One of the strengths of our courses is the diverse backgrounds of the participants, so we can all learn from each other’s different approaches and stories.
- Agriculture and marine resources
- Agrofood industry
- Biological sciences
- Consumer related
- Electronics, IT and Telecomms
- Energy
- Blockchain
- Industrial manufacturing and materials transport
- Medical / Health related
- Physical and exact sciences
- Protecting man and environment
- Social and economic concerns
- Others
- Photonics
- Pharmaceuticals
- Fintech
- Chemicals
- Cosmetics, Health and Beauty
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security