
Innovation Excellence , Barcelona (Spain)
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- 22 March, 2013
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Event description
22 & 23 November . Its 6th Edition conference will focus on cutting edge strategies management for realistic innovation in order to create ROI.
This pan-European and cross-industry business meeting will include high level speakers such as the VP of Yahoo! Research Spain, the Vice President Strategic Projects of Lonza in Switzerland, the CIO of Bombardier Transport in Germany, the Senior Director at the Chief Scientist Office of Alcatel – Lucent in Belgium, the Senior Innovation Consultant of Philips in The Netherlands …
We will discuss about ROI and Open Innovation, how to gain competitive advantage through innovation, strategic innovation: identify and develop future value, customer driven Innovation…
Attendees include: General Managers, Presidents, President, Vice Presidents, CFOs, Directors and Head of: Innovation, Marketing, R&D, Strategy, Creativity Management, Development, etc.