Translational Biophotonics 2018
- Event organized by SPIE
- 14 - 15 May, 2018
- Houston, United States
- Tech Transfer and R&D Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
Join the annual photonics conference "Translational Biophotonics 2018" held in Houston, Texas by SPIE.
SPIE Translational Biophotonics explores the status and future of optical imaging for biomedical research and clinical applications.
Organized by SPIE and Rice University, this meeting fosters discussion and encourages continuing development of new technologies and techniques with the goal of successful translation into practical biomedical use.
Primary Conference Topics
• Diagnostic imaging and detection with applications in cancer diagnostics, cardiovascular imaging, infectious diseases (endoscopies, diffused imaging, spectroscopy)
• New techniques in microscopy and other emerging techniques (superresolution techniques, contrasts for microscopy, in vivo imaging)
• Analytical systems (microarrays, high-throughput detection)
• MD perspectives (unmet clinical needs)
• Industry perspectives (the implementation process, device success stories)
- Photonics