DigitaLatest™ — Exec Digital Marketing Summit, New York
- Event organized by DigitaLatest
- 06 - 09 August, 2018
- Brooklyn, USA
- Innovation Events Event
- Visit website
Event description
Join the annual innovation event DigitaLatest™ — Exec Digital Marketing Summit, held in New York, United States by DigitaLatest.
– Senior management from the major digital marketing platforms, tools & technologies share latest developments, best brand use cases, how to measure success, and optimize each
– The major players all present at one conference: Google, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Giphy, Accenture Interactive for AR/VR/MR, MailChimp, Midroll (largest US podcast firm), Argodesign (future of apps), and more.
– President of Grey West & former Head of Content at R/GA, shares insights in how to manage, integrate, select and optimize programs across platforms, tools & technologies
– Hear first-hand in an intimate way from digital marketing leaders
– Time-efficient way to get up to speed across the key digital marketing ecosystem players for a complete picture
– Precedes start of the marketing planning season
– Networking with fellow execs facing similar challenges
– Unlike academic digital transformation programs: Here highly practical strategy meets execution & breakthrough creativity
– Inspires better digital planning by seeing what’s possible & working for the most successful firms
Industry City is Brooklyn's Media / Technology / Design / Food Innovation Hub. Each meal & snack will feature the creative, artisanal, award-winning restaurants, bakeries & chocolatiers on site who will briefly tell their stories each day.
Early Bird Pricing $2,950 before June 1st, 2018 Later Registration $3,500 after June 1st, 2018
- Blockchain
- Social and economic concerns
- Others
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Security